3 on the tree gear box rebuild

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by jayz63, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. jayz63

    jayz63 Member

    Dec 23, 2014
    Albuquerque, NM
    Hello everyone again. So I'm having problems with my shifter gear box on the steering column. I had taken it apart and thought I put it back together right. I installed it today and found that the gear selector inside the cab is sticking straight up and now not shifting correctly. Does anybody have any pictures of the correct way to put the box back together? Also, the gear shift mount bracket on the column doesn't seem to fit flush on and has a gap under it, plus the holes don't line up. And lastly, how much is that part supposed to be screwed down. Thank you again.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
  2. DeadZoneTruckin

    DeadZoneTruckin Member

    Apr 17, 2010
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Shifter Box Service

    Print out Joe's most excellent pictures and take them out to the job with you , then take the whole thing off and over to a table with light colored towels on it , take it all apart and make sure you've scraped out all the old rock hard grease or you'll never get it right .

    Assemble as shown , use lots of grease .

    Once it's assembled correctly , remember the internal spring weights the lever / dogs to the 3/4 gear position and it's fairly easy to get it stuck in between .

    Maybe Joe has N.O.S. parts , I just use shims and grease to make it work O.K. then install it and adjust the box so the shift lever is @ 3:00 O'Clock when both tabs sticking out of the shift box are parallel and level , then and only then you can install the shifting rods , tranny in neutral and use shims to attach the rods so they're not floppy and they slip dead center into the shift arms on the tranny . when the shift lever is wedged in neutral (a bit of rubber or wadded up paper will hols it steady) and the tranny is also i n neutral .

    I use brass or nylon tubing to replace the bushings in the tranny's shift arms , Joe and others still sell the nifty rubber ones that dampen vibration , I'm more interested in proper shifting than the shift lever maybe buzzing a little bit .

    Thin flat washers on both sides of the shift arms to prevent flopping , I use thin nylon ones from the Hardware store .

    This takes time and LOTS of patience but you'll get there , just take it slow and easy .

    Don't hesitate to use the materiels you find at hand m the main thing is easy to move but not floppy ~ any stiffness in fitment of anything here , results in poor shifting .

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