Or This ! Better yet , this boob knows not what he has : http://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/pts/4854390065.html
Nate is right. Full pressure oiling GMC 6. PCV valve which means it is more likely to be newer and out of a larger truck (or maybe all California trucks had them???), so might be a 270 or 302. There is a machined pad on the block just to the rear of where the distributer mounts that will have the engine serial number. The first 3 digits will be the size of the engine, 228, 248, 270 or 302. One thing is a little strange. In the picture I can't see any evidence of a stomp starter or of a starter solenoid, Could be some weird model starter that had a solenoid clocked way around from the standard "on top" position.
I blew up the picture and looked again. It does have a solenoid starter with the solenoid down at about 9 o'clock.
Somebody looking for a 302 GMC better grab this thing. Consensus over on oldGMCtrucks is that the hood appears to be from a 450 series GMC which were originally equipped with 302s.
This one looks like it's in a shopping cart. Ya think it's some homeless guy that found it along the freeway?
Guess I got lucky. Had to make a road trip but got mine for 100 bucks (watch out for the deer ). Came with brand new muffler,tail pipe, tranny, and 12v upgrade (still using the 6v starter). Runs great! They're out there. Got mine off our 55-59 site. Rick
Talked to this guy today: http://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst...854390065.html He was able to clean the pad enough to see that it's a 228. Says he has a guy coming to get it Sunday (free if he pulls it), but if you're interested make a cash offer and be ready to pull it yourself. Sounds like it needs a rebuild, but probably not frozen. Cheers.
Cheap/FREE i6 Engines See ? I TOLJA so ! . They're out there , it took me longer to copy & paste those than it did to find 'em .
Cheap is one thing.... actually locating a viable rebuildable motor is an entirely different scenario. Anyone can search out "500 pound boat anchor motors" for cheap laying around in someones back yard on craigslist but..... good luck finding one that does not have a cracked head.... a cracked block.....Exposed to the elements with pistons stuck to the cylinder walls...or already bored out .80 over. Here is a "Craigslist Gem" 261 motor we stumbled on..... Any "eagle eye experts" here care to guess why this "rebuilt 261" was seized up ?
A Good Point ! I bought a 292 i6 engine for $75 , fully dressed , it had been taken out of a running truck then left to sit 5 miles from the Pacific Ocean for 20 years.... Here's what I found when I removed the cylinder head : a piston firmly stuck in it's bore ~ I had to hammer the hell out of it after soaking in Diesel Fuel a few days to get it out . Then , just for grins I decided to hone the .060" over bored cylinder : The block is useable but re sleeving is rather $pendy so I'll give it away I guess . So , what happened here , what did I get ? . A good uncracked pre smog big valve cylinder head worth $250 , I had it rebuilt and still have it . ALL the engine accessories fan to tranny in good shape ~ dizzy with Pertronix Ignitior (worth at least $100) Fan , tappet covers , near perfect oil pan , carby , Heavy Duty three stud (the one that never leaks/blows exhaust donuts) exhaust manifold in perfect shape (worth $150) , a carby , alternator , fuel pump on and on... I knew it was stuck the day I bought it but still , I doubt I'll have any difficulty selling the good crank shaft , three sheave crank pulley / harmonic damper etc. . The Muncie SM465 tranny , I'm trying to give that away , we don't have many serious Jeepers in Los Angeles else I coulda sold it . Buying used engines is nearly always a pig in a poke but , many were taken out in GRC by a Hot Rodder so be diligent and you should be able to find one close by cheaply . Joe has barns full of parts , maybe he'll sell you a decent running 235 you can replace the rings , pistons and bearings in , rebuild the cylinder head and Motor on happily....
Oil Galleries What a boob ! I put plugs in when I re paint cylinder blocks but not taking them out in a full flow oiling system is beyond foolish . Hopefully you were able to save this block and slap a different crank etc. into it....
Just Maybe... I'll have a line on some 235's . An old acquaintance of mine dropped by my Shop to - day and he's been building ' Rat Rods ' for the locals who don't actually like old cars recently . He says no one want the 235's he takes out and he's grown tired of trying to give them away so I told him I'll take the next two that he gets in , we'll see if I can sell them or they're just 700 # of old junk littering my back yard....
Cheap Stove Bolts Yeah ~ The funny thing is that I'm in need of a 194/230/250/202 core for brackets , P.S. & AC mounts etc. and he happened by so i asked him and that's when he said he'd given up trying to GIVE GOOD RUNNING STOVEBOLT ENGINES AWAY . Apparently on facbok there's some InLiner's page/site/whatever , for die hards (means idiots like me ) and he tride there for some time but he's a busy Man so after that and trying to give them away on craigslist , off to the scrapper they went . Too bad he didn't bother calling me . Anyone in So. Cal. have a thinwall (1963 ~ 1989) InLine GM 6 cylinder engine they want to part with ? . I don't need the block & head but I do prefer a dressed takeout as it's all the exterior crap I'm after.... TIA ,