As everyone here seems to know the Old Navy trucks were made up like the last girl available for the prom. She looked good from a distance but not so much up close. Just like the prom date I was so excited after so many years of not having an AD I purchased The very last prom date available. At least she was cheap. I sand blasted the frame and have finally installed the IRS. The cab was gone so I ordered a new floor pan. Then after more work to cut back all of the rust decided to build an entirely new cab. Progress is slow due to budget constraints. After market parts are known for there bad fit. I am quite pleased with the progress so far. Here are some pic's of progress since July 2014. New roof and rear cab are on there way complete cab soon. Lots of decisions still ahead, drive train, paint. Still trying to find anything use able from the original truck.
For once, I'm almost speechless... Wow, that is amazing. I've seen the new cabs available complete, but, I salute you for building your own! Fantastic! KEEP US POSTED! Looks like a Total Cost Involved ifs.
Looking great. I looks like the IRS may be from a Lincoln/Cougar/T-Bird. If it is and the alignment shop can't dial in the caster then contact Russ (ol chebby) on re-drilling the upper control arm holes. He has had this set up for several years with good results.
You are correct Steve TCI front end went in very smooth. They provide great instructions. Install time was less than 4 hours.
Evan you are correct also. It is reported to be from a 84 cougar. I bought it from a guy that bought it a few years back and can't remember exactly what it came out of. Any help identifying it would help with brake parts, seals,etc. I bought the mounts from TEAM 731 in Florida. May not be 731 but I gave them all the measures for the frame and they entered it into a CAD program and came up with the mounts. I hope to install motor and trans soon and will know better about alignment. I'll let you all know how it goes.
4 hours!!! I wish I could work that fast. I'd be driving my truck by now. It took me two hours to make boxing plates for my Fatman kit. (they don't come in the kit.)
Looking *VERY* good there ! . I am impressed by your skillset . FWIW , there are numerous sheet metal suppliers and yes , there are AMERICAN MADE panels not cheap but vastly easier to work with .
That is fantastic work there! It looks like the old body parts are in pretty good shape. (bed sides and fenders) Thanks for the photos and keep them coming!
Great job! I salute you and all those that have the talent. One thing I learned about my rebuild is I suck at body work. Will not attempt another one. I save it from the srap yard but it has been a learning along the way. Now, where did I put all those parts?
Body Repair I want to see it after you weld it ~ Decades ago I built my '46 3100 out of two junkers (one had been center punched) and God alone knows how many Junk Yard & Swap Meet trips , we took it all the way apart and hammered banged the dents as bet we could , indeed I suck @ body works but at least I have a finished & painted two tone truck to drive for years and years....
I'll get that number tomorrow. If I remember correctly it is a 3.27 gear with drum brakes. Really just looking for the correct year to be able to order brake parts and seals etc. Thanks for the help, Mike
A little more progress Here are a few updates. Picture quality is not great from a phone but here they are. Almost everything has come together much better than I expected. I don't have any pictures of the inner back wall yet but it was the toughest part on the cab build yet. Mike
The bottom left number is the gear. The number with an L in between is limited slip, no L is peg leg. the next number is 8.8 or 7.5, telling the size of the 8.8 is what you want.....much stronger. Some cougars had 7.5. The year doesn't matter as far as I know, just drum or disc brake. Tell the counter monkey around 1995 and he should be able to look it up.
Thanks for the info. it is a 7.5 limited slip. I will try getting shoes for a 95 Cougar and see if they fir before ordering to much. This will help with the build sheet as well. Mike
Paint questions I have used Lab Metal for the first coat of filler on the cab seams. Used a disk sander to cut it down to a fair shape. Next used All Metal to rough out the contour. Finally used body filler for final shape. My main question is with all of these panels coming with different primers electro deposit primer/ weld through primer etc. What primer should I use to seal everything? I may need icing after the primer primer as the all metal did not feather well. Just not sure of the process or products. Any suggestions would be a great help. Ill try to post more pics tomorrow. Mike
Not a lot of progress this week due to snow storm. But since posting last night and no response this morning I decided to push forward right or wrong with etch prime. I ordered k 2 primer today and spent the day sanding. Did I say that i don't enjoy sanding yet? Looks like at least another day of sanding before I'll be ready for primer. I had an auto body friend stop by to check my progress and he said keep sanding! I hate sanding already. Here are some pics of todays progress. Mike
Impressive, Mike!!! I hear you on the sanding thing. It's worth it in the end however. Put on some good tunes and have at it. Looks like you could use a few more feet of snow. We've had 1/2" of snow all winter, and no, I am NOT complaining!