That really looks great Tony, glad to see you are moving forward getting your ride back together. Thanks for the photos.
I only like three colors: light blue, medium blue, or dark blue so it's a home to this old fart. Looks great.
if we had a LIKE button here... I'd be pressing it now. Thanks for sharing. I'll do my best to return the favor.
amazing love the color combo what is name of the blue and is it a single stage or 2 stage with clear coat? thanks Robert
That looks absolutely beautiful! Now comes the fun part of putting everything back in it without scratching anything~ Thanks for the update, you are going to be a happy camper when that is all back together!
Inspiration. Three beautiful pictures. Your truck looks like it will be collector or museum quality, Tony.
Thanks everyone. I'm humbled by your comments. The paint is called Transport Blue. It's a two stage because it comes with a good paint warranty. I'm anxious to get it mounted on the chassis tomorrow.
Thanks for the pictures. My 54 is transport blue with bombay ivory top. It is nice to get a chance to see what it looks like in fresh paint. Keep the pictures coming.