Went out this morning and was being stalked by a dark figure. Told my neighbor who's in his 80's and he said he had a similar experience but from way back in his memory he recalled it was called a shadow. Been raining so many days in a row (25 out of 26) that people have forgotten what one looks like. Lasted about an hour and now it's clouding up again.
I feel sorry for all you Texans here. Man~ feast or famine seems to be the theme. It's been cloudy/rainy here for quite a spell too. Today I had an all day, school related task, and guess what? The sun has been out a-l-l day long. Here's hoping someone finds the shutoff valve down there.
Nope, big brother~ Not yet... (Thunder just rumbled in the distance, however. ) I'm liking the looks of that there beverage! Were you out spending quality time with that beautiful truck of yours?