Dash turn signals

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by Vigilante, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Vigilante

    Vigilante Member

    Aug 30, 2013
    Jacksonville Fl
    57' GMC

    My dash indicators are "red" on the right and "green" on the left. Is this original?

    Also, the turn signal does not always cancel automatically and I sometimes don't notice for miles...LOL

    Anyway, Is there a louder clicker so I can hear it over the engine and road noise? I remember my dad had an old truck (forget model) that had this obnoxious clicker that would wake the dead.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  2. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Yes the '57 GMC just had one turn signal indicator on the dash. It is the green light. The red indicator is for high beams. My '58 GMC Master Parts Book says the red is on the left and green is on the right.

    Our host sells a complete new set of guts for the turn signal mechanism. I bought one that worked well AFTER I trimmed about 0.005" off of the piece that the screw goes through. It was just a little long, causing the mechanism to bind when the screw was tightened.

    A guy could find a 12 volt buzzer/beeper and attach it to the wire that goes to the green lamp (+) and to ground (-). They are available all over the WWW for $5 or less.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  3. AZ58Cameo

    AZ58Cameo Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Payson Arizona
    OK Bill, Now i Like my Chevy Dash,"BETTER" than the GMC's LOL Ha Ha
    Just Kidding Buddy! I know you say the GMC Dashes are better looking than that of the chevy's (I just Had to give you some Crap over that!)LOL.....
    My Dad had a 65 Ford Truck that had the the green turn signal for both Lh&Rh on the left
    and high beam's on the Right in Red. what i thought was funny is the Speedometer Needle also
    would be seen moving over the Odometer because the Odometer was just above were the Needle pivoted at ( I guess Ford had the Light Bulb Shinning in their Eye's when they
    Came up with the Design)LOL..
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  4. Vigilante

    Vigilante Member

    Aug 30, 2013
    Jacksonville Fl
    I see I have some work to do. Thx again for advice!
  5. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    We put a motorcycle beeper on the turn signal in a 46 Ford pickup. They have to be loud to be heard over the engine noise and being exposed to traffic noise. Inside a pickup cab they will give you a nose bleed.
  6. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    My '52 GMC 150 came to me with a set of aftermarket turn signals. Being add-ons, they do not self cancel after a turn. I found myself with one of the symptoms of OldTimers disease, running along for miles with a turn signal blinking.

    It is an easy fix. I rummaged through my electronic junk pile (I was in the business for 40+ years) and came up with this.

    Hooked the + terminal to the hot side of the turn signal flasher and the - terminal to the other side of the flasher. Anytime the turn signal lever is in a turn position and the lamps are blinked OFF the beeper beeps.

    Purists quit reading here.

    It was too loud for me, so I wrapped the beeper in a paper towel and put it in a zip lock bag. Taped the bag up under the dash. Hey, I've seen weirder stuff up under a dash on an old truck.

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