Hello all, well good news I think. Flushed cooling system, changed thermostat and just ran it for an hour and rode around neighborhood. No sluggish symptoms. I also verified heat control valve and it freely moved. Thanks for the tips. At the end I think the emergency brake stuck. Something to fix tomorrow. Gave truck a bath and have attached some pics.
Thanks Thanks all for the tips. I will drive it and continue the project. Next up is rewriting the old boy. This will be my most ambitious project. Denis
rewiring I can tell you from experience that the inexpensive (aprrox. $150.00) wiring harness designed for our trucks works incredibly well. absolutely no problems in over eight years since I installed it. Clear instructions and relatively easy and straightforward to install. Make sure you also get new firewall grommets. Here's the link: http://www.classicparts.com/1950-52-Wiring-Harness-Generator/productinfo/52-023/#.VYvSwNzF_1o Andy