What do you think this is worth

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Grimtas, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Grimtas

    Grimtas Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Central Colorado
    New guy on these forums, I've been looking for a project for going on 20 years now, never really had the means or space to actually pull the trigger. This one dropped in my radar recently and I plan to go take a look at it on Saturday to see just how much cancer it really has.

    The story behind it was the son of a body shop owner was starting a resto on this, then sold it very early into it. My concerns are it's listed as a 48' but clearly it's a 49+ due to the fuel tank behind the seat instead of under the bed. It also doesn't have the original engine,the kid blew up the original, I'm hoping the it's titled on the door tag and the tag still exists. There is a replacement 216 in it and I have no idea yet if it will even run, looks like the trans is in the bed. it's partially disassembled and badges are removed which makes identifying the year from these pics helpless. If I can find 90%+ of the removed parts and not an excessive amount of cancer outside of the normal areas I might finally pull the trigger.

    Just trying to get a feel on what you fine folks here think I should pay for this.

    Here's the only pics I have:

    Edit the guy's asking $4500 which I think is a bit high.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
  2. Grimtas

    Grimtas Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Central Colorado
  3. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    There is another floor shift lever in the cab, so it probably has a spare tranny in the bed.

    I think $4500 is way too high, given all the bits and pieces that are probably missing.
  4. Grimtas

    Grimtas Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Central Colorado
    I thought 48+ was 3 or 4 on the tree, so the one in the cab doesn't make sense either. I'm not worried about nuts n bolts, just panels, badges, drivetrain for a complete truck. From what I can see there's a good possibility of having to replace 3 fenders both running boards, probably 4 cab corners, maybe some cowl inners. It's tough to really tell from the pictures. It's a 4 hour round trip to go look at it and the feeling I get from talking with the current owner he's not going to budge much on the price. I'll have to see once I get there. I'm really thinking no more then 2K and I think that's high.
  5. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    I agree. 4,500 is too high. It sure has a straight looking bod, however.
  6. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Check Craigslist for something a lot better, that price is way to much.
  7. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    3 on tree, 4 on floor.
  8. Grimtas

    Grimtas Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Central Colorado
    Bill, Thanks for the clarification

    ccharr, this is the only CL posting in 6 months for the state. I've also looked into neighboring states to no avail, not many posted right now.

    If the guy sticks to his price I'll simply walk away. I was just trying to get a feel for value so I didn't completely insult him with my offer.
  9. Tubby

    Tubby Member

    Oct 12, 2012

  10. 50 Chevy LS3

    50 Chevy LS3 Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Engine looks like a later model GM six. Does it have side mounted engine mounts? Looks like it does.
    I think $4500 is about $3000-$3500 too much. That one needs a lot of work. The plate on it looks like Colorado? Surely you could find a better one, try checking south, in New Mexico or Arizona.

    From your pictures;
    Left running board rusted through.
    Right running board may be salvageable.
    Both outer cowl areas appear to be "repaired" with bondo.
    Right rear fender appears to be rusted away rear lower.
    Missing gas cap, plan on a new gas tank.
    Inner kick panel left side is still visible, looks to be mostly there.
    Outer cowl appears to still have most of the fender flange.
    Look closely at the cab supports.
    Look closely over the windshield, behind where the inside visors mount for rust. A favorite spot for mice.
    Look closely at the bottom outside area where the windshield rubber strip seals, rust out or thin metal there often.
    Are the doors solid on the bottom?

    My opinion would be you would be better off buying a $10,000 driver, western truck with little rust, than start with this for $4500.
    Just my opinion...
  11. Grimtas

    Grimtas Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Central Colorado
    Tubby, Owner says he has a clean title, I'm going to try to verify. I thought I was told it was a replacement 216 but my memory is not so good some times.

    50 Chevy, the bondo panels are suspect the body shop owner that had the truck is teaching his son wrong IMHO, replace rust with metal not plastic.
    The gas tank is in the bed if you look real close, not sure if the cap is there, I plan on a new tank anyway out of the cab.
    Thanks for the other rust spots to check I already have a fairly long list of things to specifically look for I'll add your tips as well.

    These are not my pictures, I will not see the truck in person until this Saturday. I've at least already checked CL in NM, UT, KS, WY, TX no joy, haven't looked in AZ.
    I get your point about the driver and that's a counter point I intend to use against the seller, I was ball parking max $2K anyway.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2015
  12. Grimtas

    Grimtas Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Central Colorado
    Am I correct in that this is a 49-50? I thought they moved the gas tank inside the cab in 49, and in 51 added the vent windows.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
  13. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
  14. Grimtas

    Grimtas Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Central Colorado
    cchar, thanks for the links, I'm really looking for a 48 5 window for personal reasons (I might have to settle for others, however I want to stay in the late 40's at least). I know this truck is not a 48, with the original engine gone all I can hope for is the door tag still exists to figure out the true year. If neither exist I'm walking away as I I'll most likely have issues getting it registered.

    For the record I'm in eastern CO, I'll keep this posting in reference for negotiations as well; this one for 5K is a driver that still needs a ton of work and is over priced.


    I don't mind the work and plan to take my time, I would prefer to build it frame up the way I want it instead of redoing someone elses work.
  15. Tubby

    Tubby Member

    Oct 12, 2012
  16. 50 Chevy LS3

    50 Chevy LS3 Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    That is correct. You have answered some questions I almost asked in my post, The part about frame up restoration and "taking your time".
    I'm doing that very thing myself, and enjoy the build. Many get a project and lose interest because they "blow it apart" and get overwhelmed.

    The one Charles posted from inlandempire, looks to be a much better starting point, if you weren't intent on a '48. It appears to have new glass, glass rubber, new grill, splash apron, bumper, etc.
    The red '54 looks to be almost a bargain, of course, it's craigslist...
  17. Grimtas

    Grimtas Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Central Colorado
    Well having it in my head for the last 20 years, I just never had a place where I could take my time, too many moves while I was in the Military and the last 10 years I had other priorities with my family. Now it's time to to take things serious once again. I have my Son in Law to blame as he sent the CL post on my wife and I's Anniversary and she said yes :D

    Now I just really need to stop over thinking it and make the drive to have a look. I'm not afraid to walk away and not pay too much and can continue to look over time.

    The intent of this post was to try to get a good idea of value for the one in the pictures as the last thing I want to do is insult the seller or waste my time and diesel making the 4 hour round trip for not.
  18. Grimtas

    Grimtas Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Central Colorado
    Ok so I paid a bit more then I should have but lot less then what he was asking. I spent two hours looking it over and started the offer at 1K, the final price was 2K. She's an ol' gal from Iowa apparently, bought out of Gardner, CO. After a better clean out when I got her home I took a few snaps.

    Gratuitous shot of the tow vehicle:


    Left Front side view:

    Left Rear side view:

    Right Rear side view:

    Over all looks pretty straight. The frame looks in very good condition as well.
  19. Grimtas

    Grimtas Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Central Colorado
    Stake pockets have a bit of rips and tares:


    Took a boat load of old rotted plywood out the back to find rotted original yellow pine removed it as well.

    The angle on the rear looks out of place and not original, Rear bumper is a farmers special:

    Front bed wall needs replacing:
  20. Grimtas

    Grimtas Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Central Colorado
    Rear left rear lower fender, debating a patch here:

    I'm not sure this tire mount is original or too big of a tire was placed on the wheel as it dented the corner of the cab, I'll have to block and hammer that damage, does the fender look right for a factory spare or did the farmer take a hammer to it?

    Rear left fender front, rips and tares:

    Another shot of the rear left fender:

    Cab damage from tire mount:

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