I hate to ask but what is the secret in getting the oil out of the oil filter canister when you do an oil change. I have not found a plug on the bottom of the canister that several of you have referred to and when I disconnected the bottom hose nothing runs out leaving me to believe there is a check valve in the bottom of the canister. I took the canister out the first time I changed it some time ago but you guys must have a better way? I searched the threads here, checked the manuals, all 3 of them and I couldn't find the secret. What am I missing? Dave
My 46 Ford's Fram Filter doesn't have a drain plug either but I'd bet back in 1946 every service station and dealer had a suction gun to get that last bit out. I googled "suction gun" and both Auto Zone and OReilly's have them (cheap). We just use a jar with two nipples in the lid, one to suck oil and the other to our vacuum pump. Works good on rear end housings also.
Best solution is a drain, that uses a magnetic pipe plug. The suction devices that look like a grease gun work, kind of (I have one), but won't ensure that you get all the contaminates out. _____ John