Timing is everything - should have done this earlier!

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Quilcene Roland, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Quilcene Roland

    Quilcene Roland Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    Quilcene, Washington
    Since getting my 1954 GMC w/Hydramatic a couple of months ago (my first experience with a stovebolt), I have been driving it and addressing things that were not handled by the prior owner who used it for sunny day driving only (ex: get the wipers working; tighten up steering box; etc.) in prep for this to be my daily driver. I am pretty much there now :).

    The truck has always (for a couple of months now) felt a bit lethargic/low-powered, but, I attributed that to it simply being "an old truck with only 115 bhp". It would cruise at 60-65mph no problem, but going up steep hills would require downshifting to 3rd and it typically required more throttle than I would have liked (often flooring it to get over 40 mph).

    I decided to run a few tanks of fuel thru it to get used to it (getting a good baseline of experience) before tuning it at all. Well, after putting about 1000 miles on it, I decided to check out the ignition dwell and timing. Lo and behold - it was running only 18 degrees of dwell!! (I'm mystified it was running at all) and the timing was somewhere off the scale - most likely a function of the horrible point gap. It was also idling around 700 rpm (should be 400 rpm) - which meant the vacuum advance was perpetually engaged. However - no pinging under load and started fine when cold (seemed a bit cranky/slow when hot indicating advanced timing).

    Well- I reset/adjusted everything this past weekend. Now, with the dwell at 35 degrees (low end of the allowable range per the manual) and the timing set per the book - I have a new truck!

    Goes up hills with power to spare, needs very little throttle to drive and idles like a sewing machine at 400 rpm (book value for hydramatic trucks). Also, it is substantially quieter in the cab now that I don't have nearly so much intake noise - most of the noise is coming out the tail pipe :). With the proper idle setting it isn't fighting transmission drag at stoplights anymore either! Just really nice now!!!:D

    Can't wait to see what my fuel economy has moved up to (was running about 11 mpg).

    Oh - I totally lucked out on the rebuilt motor that came with it: so far only used about 1/8 quart of oil in 1200 miles!

    Anyway - I am amazed that the 248 could run reasonably well being SO FAR out of tune - then again, my basis of comparison is smaller european engines which wouldn't even come close to running under such conditions.

    As of right now I am totally smitten with this truck - it is truly a pleasure to drive!

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  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Getting There

    Roland ;

    Now go look up and perform a HOT VALVE ADJUSTMENT and be flabber gasted at how well it runs !
  3. Quilcene Roland

    Quilcene Roland Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    Quilcene, Washington
    On it - will report back! ;)

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