Help: 74' 350 into an 84' body

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by KaZe, Feb 10, 2002.

  1. KaZe

    KaZe Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    i have a 1984 chevy c10 that i am attempting to put in a 1974 350 into it. i have run across some difficulties unfortunatly, which i seek some advice on:

    i can not get a spark whatsoever.
    -i have tried unplugging the computer and starting it without it, still no spark
    -power goes into the distributor, but does not go to the spark plug, bad coil? but the thing is the distributor was working when i pulled the motor out of my previous vehicle. . .

    also, i have installed headers, but the spark plug wires are extremely close to the exhasut leading from the headers, is there anyways i could sheild these wires, otherwise i fear they will melt under the extreme heat, being they are almost resting on the pipes leading from the headers

    all advice and feedback would be greatly appreciated
  2. Chb46

    Chb46 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    If the distributor is from the 84, it has a module that is also computor controled. I would recheck all the obvious, rotor, carbon
    pile in the top of the dist ect, if all the obvious is ok, take the module out and take it to your nearest auto parts with a tester to see if it is still ok.
    But i would consider using the 74 distributor if it were me.

    Hope this helps... Chb46
  3. White10hat

    White10hat Member

    Dec 20, 2001
    Galloway United States
    i had a 74 and had the same problem with spark plug wires. the problem i had was the wires they make for 74 are too long. i had to tie the wires up to the engine to keep them taut. but i believe they make wires that are the right size if you order them from a catalog, not auto parts store. i have even seen wires with a metal heat shield on them.

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