Welding with gas is kind of a 'zen' experience. I can sit down and watch the puddle and dip the rod and before you know it it's time to go to bed. TIG is the same way, but I can do so much more with a TIG than I ever could with gas and it is the same relaxing experience, so I put the gas rig at a neighbors house (my kids liked to experiment with it and it scared the hell out of me - they've been gone ten years and it is still there to use when I need a rosebud) I'm kind of an old coot but I like learning new things. The first thing I'm going to do when I retire next year is go to the local college and take a course in Autocad so I can stop asking my kids/brother to do my drawings for waterjet parts for me. There's even header design possibilities in Autocad, if I live long enough to get competent, so I can throw those plastic legos away. They have a cracker-jack welding instructor there too and want to take their TIG course. Ron Covell comes to town about once a year and I'd love to attend one of his workshops too. Have to have old truck anachronisms, but it is fun to learn new things just for the hell of it
Learning A New Thing You're correct of course . I didn't say what I meant very well . I learn a new thing every day , I hope this continues for a long time yet .