O.K. ; I'm replacing my old rusted out cab with a factory AC cab and bit by bit am assembling the parts necessary . Yesterday I went by Hillside Auto Salvage and found a Squarebody ('73 ~ '91) Suburban with factory AC and a 250 C.I.D. i6 , sadly the AC compressor brackets were already gone but I did find the additional bolt on crank pulley for the AC belt plus that impossible to find (and no longer made) plastic ring that snaps on to both the HEI dizzy cap and the spark plug wires ~ getting it off without breaking it takes some serious patience . Only $8 for the pulley , I am well pleased . I also went to the annual ATHS Show in Perris , Ca. , they hold it in the Rail road Museum , always nice , lots of old trucks to gawp at the this year the swap meet was bigger , I found a decent (surface rust , no dents) original hub cap for $5 and a 1960's vintage all steel NAPA tool box I think will fit under the front seat . Onwards.....
No Help Huh ? I cannot imagine I'm to only person here to have ever done AC work on one of these..... The Body Shop is in WAAAYYYY over their heads on this one , they keep loosing / damaging parts then trying to blame _me_ , who isn't even there . The broke the fiberglass firewall unit , then tried to tell me I never gave it to them . I lucked out and found a coupld AC equipped trucks in the junkyard and will go fetch whatever's any good off them to - day , wish me luck .
I had to laugh about your hunt for factory parts since we are removing and welding up all the holes in the firewall except the round 4" hole which is used by Vintage air for the hose routing. You might check with Old Air Products in Ft. Worth about their POA valve eliminator kit. If your valve works fine but don't spend any money on a crappy design. Your truck should have the Fridgidaire A6 compressor which is the best one EVER but heavy which is probably why it had to go. You would be welcome to the old fiber glass plenum but it was removed very roughly. The young guys just don't think of every piece from older vehicles is probably wanted by someone.
AC Fun Thanx Evan ; I was able to score the entire HVAC for under $50 ( SWEET !) and will prolly use my new expansion valve . I'm hoping to use a SANDEN compressor as it seems to beat the excellent A4 or A6 . Brackets are my current lookout , I don't fabricate .
Nate, If your going with a Sanden compressor then Old Air Products in Ft. Worth has brackets for the 292, with or without p/s---$100.
Nate, If you have p/s the brackets go on the passenger side and without p/s on the drivers side. Same price for both sides.
THANK YOU Evan ! . As always very helpful . I have Saginaw Squish power steering and I love it . -Nate