
Discussion in '1947-1954' started by coilover, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    In less than a month I will be just one year from eighty years old so I get asked often about retirement and even ask myself at times. Yesterday when I started toward the shop I turned around and went back for my camera to capture this scene. Now I can look at it and decide if I'd rather be fishing, traveling, or going to work.

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  2. Lakeroadster

    Lakeroadster Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Central Colorado
    Seems like a pretty sweet gig you got going there. The rules are, there ain't no rules.

    Is the shop yours... or are you just one of the guys?
  3. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    If you enjoy what you are doing, don't retire. This comment brought to you from a guy who loved his job, but retired anyway. I really miss it.
  4. 52wasp

    52wasp Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    Wilton, New Hampshire
    Even if you DO end up missing it, you can quite likely go back and "consult". But is it really more fun than fishing? Or traveling? Tough call maybe- but I can tell you that even over a 3- or 4-day weekend, the LAST thing I think about is work. Same company, pretty much same desk, since Reagan's first term. As soon as I can, I will. And I don't see myself missing it. Fishing is MUCH more fun. Good luck!
    Zig likes this.
  5. Mike1951

    Mike1951 Member

    May 26, 2012
    Osawatomie, KS
    One of my customers retired this summer and I found him working at Home Depot. When I asked him why he was working he said " you can only fish so many days before its no fun any more". In 10 or so years I'm going to find out if that's TRUE! I'm saying six months ain't gonna be close to enough time. Then the wife or"hot rod shop" wood shop or pounding iron should keep me busy until I die. Dad retired and said he didn't know when he found the time to work.
  6. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Every summer I have OJT for retirement. (No school)
    I absolutely love getting up when I feel like it, sitting for an hour or so having a cup of coffee and talking about this, that, and the other thing with my wife, and doing whatever the heck I feel like doing. (along with that list of things that HAS to be done...) (right~)
    I love trying to inspire our youth, but as soon as that door opens, I am SO retired and free to really enjoy God's world.
    Good luck with your decision, Evan. It is tough for many, I guess. (And check your private messages...)
  7. e015475

    e015475 Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    Show Low AZ
    I've thought long and hard about this same subject - I'm about 20 years behind you.

    I like what I do, and figure as long as I enjoy it, I'll keep at it for a few more years. Frankly, it is more fun to work on hot rods, fish or travel when you have to make space in your schedule to do it. If I had all the time in the world, it wouldn't be as much fun - I think juggling the schedule for getting everything to fit in is kind of fun. When I get a boss that pisses me off or some goofy assignment in east Jabouti (or they fire me, which is a lot more likely) - I'll tell them to pound sand and retire just to just work on my own projects.
  8. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    I guess I do for a living what many would do when they retire so it is a bit more dicey on decision making. Today a retired fiberglass fabrication company owner came to the shop to help me with my own personal 34 Chevy coupe and announced he was coming back everyday till I run him off. He is like Bill Hanlon; not happy in retirement. Since the shop is just a 100 feet from the house I'm thinking of selecting the work on my terms and work as I please. Don't call, I'll call you. My nephew already runs the shop as far as regularly scheduled work is concerned. Of course there will be a "friends" and "preferred" customer list eligible for exceptions with me, not the shop. It must stay a no one gets in front of anyone else as it has always been.
    Zig likes this.
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I hear you Evan ;

    My separation from service date of 11/6/15 came and went , I'm still on the job #tongue# .

    I too am one of those lucky (diligent in my case) who has a job they like to get up and go to daily .

    However , my health issues plus SWMBO makes me think it'll be sooner than later , after 31 years I can chose when I want to go .

    I'm primarily scared financially but also wonder if I'll run out of things to do or simply get bored being home all the time .

    Your having the nephew to run things is a great help here .

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