ok guys need some ideas here I have a 235 engine plan on installing a jaguar IFS with power steering on the someday wish list is a/c The question of Day is How do I hook up power steering pump alternator and A/c with only a single groove harmonic balancer and water pump? Add a double pulley to alternator to run power steering pump Need any and all advice and tips Thanks Robert
Most of the Sanden A/C compressors have a dual belt pulley. My GMC 6 runs a single belt around crank, water pump and A/C compressor. A second belt on the A/C compressor drives the alternator. Maybe you could have that second belt run a power steering pump as well, although if doing it that way all the accessories would have to be on the same side of the engine. Or maybe electric power steering, like on my wife's '08 Toyota Highlander???
We use the generator that has the power steering pump mounted on the rear; eliminates one belt and pulley. A good rebuild on the generator along with a solid state voltage regulator and it will keep up with a car/truck loaded with accessories with the exception of the wire in the glass window defoggers. Have also used the electric power steering pumps like the Toyota MR2 had.
He said "alternator" Evan, so I left off the old Chevy generator/pump combos. I didn't know you could get a solid state regulator for generators. Could you point me at an example?
I think I found a shop that has alternators with the power steering pump have to do more research thanks for input If you guys know where for sure I can find that combo please let me know Robert
Bill, As I recall we used a Bosch VW Beetle regulator for the late 60's early 70's that was a direct replacement for the electro mechanical unit that was 12v negative ground. The tractor guys forums have sources for them and a couple of guys advertise in Hemmings as having them. I googled and came up with a part# for Bosch: 30019 but I think Standard Bluestreak also had one. Haven't thought of this one in years. LaTroka 52, There are places that will use your generator case and make it into an alternator but as I recall it's $$$. We have a 30 Model A with that done in the shop right now.
If you google "alternator in generator case" you will get several places that do the conversions and also show pictures. A good one seems to be qualitypowerauto.com. I'm pretty sure the Model A has a Powermaster but can't get you a picture even though it's just a hundred feet away. Big tendon going into my left heel is swollen too big to fit into my shoe. Really pi$$ed because I had a lot of plans for when the shop is empty for the next four days.
Was hoping to find something like this just in a alternator set up a lot smaller Trying to get away from adding another pulley some how for power steering alternator and someday a/c
What type drive for the vacuum pump is on the end of the alternator shaft, splined, hex, other? The older power steering pumps with the nut holding the pulley on had a female hex in the end of the pulley shaft. Combine this with the very compact pump Speedway sells for race cars (remote mount reservoir) and a custom adapter one should have a small overall sized unit. Through the years I have hoarded factory dual groove pulleys for big trucks with air brakes and the Mark IV a/c pulleys but none are for sale. If someone like Vintage or Old Air decided to market them I'd let them use one for doing a set up.
Will the Alt/with the pump work the pic above this post .I m alway 99% over my head when it comes to this stuff so trying to do my home work how does the combo work ?I was reading the combo is for a diesel car for the brakes correct? And won't work as a power steering pump Thanks and a merry Christmas to all Robert
Nope, won't work as a p/s pump. Since you have limited experience with this an electric p/s pump would give you power steering with no need for pulleys or belts. A typical one is ebay #221976557264. You mount anywhere and just plumb in the pressure and return hose, same as a belt driven one.
Here's the direct link : 05-09 MAZDA 3 ELECTRIC POWER STEERING PUMP W/ RESERVOIR 042170290 TESTED OEM I have never seen this before , it looks like a simple idea ~ how much current does it draw and will it work with any old power steering gearbox / rack ? .
Nate, They call for a 50 amp breaker but never draw even 40 amps max and idle draw is 4 amps. 10 gauge wire is plenty big enough and with 105 amp alternators being common now there should never be a draw on the battery. Output is 1000 psi, more than Ford needs (Mustang II conversions) and right for GM. After doing some research on the Mazda unit I think the later Toyota MR2, or it's replacement, is the way to go because the pump and controller are all one compact unit. It even has rubber isolation grommets to eliminate pump noise from body/frame. If it's electric motor is anything like the one on an Aermotive electric fuel pump the grommets are needed for sure.