Hello All I have a 54 3100 w/1950 huck type brakes. I have rebuilt it but the parking spreader bar and spring are missing. I'm looking for information or a member that would have knowledge about where I can locate these parts. Thanks Mike
I'm sure Joe at Dead Zone would have it. I have some I'm sure but as the news has said it's storming here every day and my storage lot takes two weeks of drying to become accessible.
I got the spreaders but they were initially too long. Then I revisited some Google photos and saw that the shoe bracket for the parking brake, the one pinned to the actual shoe, is the bendix type. So now, that is what I'm looking for. If you come across a couple, let me know.
Mike, are you looking for the Bendix spreader bar and spring, or the parking brake lever that attaches to the rear brake shoe, or both? I'm going to the PATE Swap Meet next weekend and will keep an eye out. Those Bendix parts are the same all the way through the mid sixties. I think I have 2 new Springs for the spreader because I had to order a 4 pack when I did my truck, too.
These are not Bendix brakes. They are Huck type. The Huck type will have 2 slots in the brake cover allow you to adjust the two spreaders on the cylinder. I need the bracket that pins to the shoe and the spreader bar end (looks like a fork) goes into the slot on that bracket. The bracket is the one that attaches to the cable. The spreader bar is Round; not flat. It pins into the other shoe.
OK Mike. I'm familiar with the Huck brakes too. I have a '50 chassis that someone has indicated they want to buy... If that doesn't go thru, I can probably harvest the rear brake parts you need next time I go to where it is. That may be a while, though. If you're in no hurry, I'll get them for you, or keep searching, and whichever comes through first is what you get. I'll help if I can. Bill B.
Hey I'm Steve...new to the forum...guess mines an old problem. I need spreader bars, springs and the parking brake levers for 1950 3100 with Hucks as well. Know this is a longshot but got any ideas?