New How-To Article for a Wiring Harness

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Deve, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Deve

    Deve Member

    Jun 2, 2016
    Hesston, Kansas
    So, I started this project over 10 years ago and because of back surgeries and other related boring issues, I didn't get this done. So I go to the bin and grab the harness to get it ready to install, and it was the wrong harness! A new harness but 10 years old, I wonder if Classic Parts will allow me to return it for the right one?

    Cranky Alex wasn't terribly thrilled to do it, but they relented. I felt bad for troubling poor Alex, so I went to the trouble of doing a complete review on this harness as I did a How-To article on it at the same time. My hope is that you guys will get something out of it, and who knows, maybe sell a few harnesses so I get back on their good side! Or not! You have to check out the article to find out...

    AD Truck Wiring Made Easy!
  2. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Good job. Ones thinking about doing an AD should ear mark this and Russ's "How to assemble an AD" to save themselves a lot of time and headaches. A few things we do different is to paint all reflective surfaces white, not silver. We use the single contact park light bulb for the turn signals since not a single state requires park lights by law. For fishing the dome lite lens wire through the pillar we use an uninsulated butt terminal with a single wrap of tape, very strong and also slim. For turn signals we use the self cancelling mount anywhere motorcycle units; love these. And being picky, picky the slanted part of the floor between the floor pan and firewall is called a toe board. With your pictures showing the factory brake light switch all is obvious but when I first read about the switch being on the firewall I assumed the master cylinder was firewall mounted but I'm in a fog more often than not.
    Will pull you some running board measurements in the morning as the yard is now dry enough for a 4wd pickup.
  3. 52wasp

    52wasp Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    Wilton, New Hampshire
    Can you go into a little more detail on the self-cancelling turn signal unit? I (and others I am sure) am interested.
  4. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    No problem Mike,
    Do a search of Signal Dynamics and click on the one listed under Amazon. It has pictures and a description. You get the module and then buy a couple of momentary switches from Radio Shack--about a buck apiece. Easy directions to follow. The next one I do I'm going to make a "stem" to hold the micro switches that is just under the steering wheel, Red for right and Lavender for left. Doing this because the ones on my 37 Buick are mounted in the bottom dash lip just to the left of the column and I can just use the tip of my finger to activate since my seat belt is non-retractable and doesn't allow leaning forward. Not a problem if seat belts are the retracting kind but no room in the old Buick for the reel mechanism.
  5. Deve

    Deve Member

    Jun 2, 2016
    Hesston, Kansas
    Evan, this seems like a very good opportunity for a How-To article. Self canceling turn signals on a vintage truck? We NEED that. The more information the better. I am too old to remember I flipped the turn signals a second ago, so I am one of those old farts who runs around town with a blinker on. Help?
  6. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    I hooked a beeper to mine. Bilbo hates it when he rides with me, but people following me (who can't hear it) like it when I no longer drive down the road for miles with the blinker on.
  7. Deve

    Deve Member

    Jun 2, 2016
    Hesston, Kansas
    If nothing else, please share your beeper schematic. I might even go further and use this circuit as a switch to start a recording that says something like.. Hey DumA$$! TURN OFF YOUR BLINKERS!! I think about my Dad whenever this happens to me. He died in 2008 of Alzheimers but years and years before that, he would be that guy who had his blinkers on driving down the road. I shook my head and kept telling him DAD... BLINKERS!! over and over. Well, here I am. The problem is hearing deteriorates over time in such a way that the frequencies the flashers use are not heard by us old guys. Thanks for the honesty Bill. Bilbo... your time is coming! :) That same phenomena is why the old lady bichting at us all the time goes totally unheard. Life IS good! ;)
  8. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Pretty simple. I have a Signal Stat 900 Chinese clone, but this should work on any turn signal that uses an old time flasher.

    I used a piezo beeper like this one, available on eBay for 99 cents.
    Piezo Electronic Tone Buzzer Alarm 95nu llContinuo usSou nd1 2VMounti ngHo leHy | eBay

    Turn off the ignition.
    Remove the flasher.
    Turn on the ignition.
    Use a volt meter or test light to find the terminal in the socket for the flasher that has 12 volts. Mark that wire as "A".
    Turn off the ignition.
    If you have a 2 terminal flasher mark the other wire in the socket as "B" and skip to "STEP C".
    Install the flasher.
    Turn on the ignition.
    The turn signal switch must be in the off position.
    Use a volt meter or test light to find which of the two remaining terminals (not "A") in the socket for the flasher that has 12 volts. Mark that wire as "B".
    Turn off the ignition.
    Remove the flasher.
    STEP C.
    Connect the red wire of the beeper to wire A.
    Connect the black wire of the beeper to wire B.
    Install the flasher.

    You should be ready to go.

    In my case, the beeper was too loud. Really offensive. I solved this problem by wrapping the beeper in a paper towel or two, putting the beeper and paper towels into a zip lock bag and using a zip tie to hold the whole mess up under the dash. You could vary the number of paper towels to get the volume you need.
  9. Deve

    Deve Member

    Jun 2, 2016
    Hesston, Kansas
    Thanks Bill. That system is going in my trucks as a mainstay. No more mechanical hammers beating me in the head everytime I leave it on!
  10. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Try this;
    In product search box enter 01501
    Under picture that comes up click on instructions
    Scroll down to turn signals part # 01501 and click on it
  11. Deve

    Deve Member

    Jun 2, 2016
    Hesston, Kansas
    Self Canceling Turn Signal Moduleā„¢ But I am seeing that it doesn't handle stop lights, and I am wondering how this thing works with switches? There is something about this I am missing. Probably over my head.
  12. Deve

    Deve Member

    Jun 2, 2016
    Hesston, Kansas
    I am pretty busy with other projects, but I see an opportunity here. The self canceling module that Evan mentioned works as a time delay module with three user settings. So when you push the momentary switch, it starts the timer, blinks through its time, then shuts off. The reason it is not ideal is because it only works with a momentary switch. I would want to use my SignalStat 900 and wire it so it works with it. So, flipping the switch up for a right turn would engage the timer, shut off after a few seconds regardless of the fact that the switch is still in right turn mode. To restart the timer, one would have to put the switch back in neutral and flip it again. The same timer would fire regardless of left or right.

    How exactly to accomplish this I have no idea without doing a lot more research. But I did the CIS so I should be able to handle this. If anyone else wants to work with me, or just go for it, I am always interested in solving the issue first. Of course there will be problems and pitfalls to get past, but that is the fun.. the challenge. Is this something that sounds worthwhile, or am I not fully thinking it through?

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