Thermal Clutch Fan/Cooling ?

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by greenizgd, Mar 17, 2003.

  1. greenizgd

    greenizgd Member

    Mar 23, 2002
    I came across a thermal clutch fan that my friend let me have. I am planning on dropping a S/B 400 into my C10, but I don't know if I should use it. I was thinking about a flex fan, but I was told to stay away from those...Now I am being told to stay away from clutch fans. I need some advice.

    Also, do to the fact that S/B 400's are notorious to running hot, would it be worth it looking to getting a 3 core ...or even 4 core.... radiator. I think I have a 2 core now (what way can I tell?). I was told this by a friend. Which one will mount in the same as the original without modifying anything?

  2. DrMaserati

    DrMaserati Member

    Mar 22, 2003
    Salem, OR
    I would suggest using the clutch fan. They move a LOT of air when engaged, and produce very little drag when freewheeling. A flex fan will produce significant drag even when the engine is running cool.

    I'm not sure why someone would tell you to stay away from clutch fans, unless they have the attitude that aftermarket is always better than factory. I have been running clutch fans for at least 30 years, and have replaced only one. They are virtually trouble free, and very efficient.

    As far as radiators, use what you have until you know for sure it won't do the job. Then if you have to replace it, go with the best you can get. A four tube core shouldn't be much more expensive than a three tube, and either one will probably mount in place of the two tube with no modifications.

  3. Pontiac1976

    Pontiac1976 Member

    Aug 21, 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    I think using the clutch fan is the better way to go less work pretty good preformance, over 40 MPh it free wheels few more Ponnies (use a 5 or 7 blade fan clutch one for Ac even if you do not have it. 3core rad or big tub
    2core Alum rad they just about the same.Or 4core rad or 3core big tub Alum rad they just about the same. The Alun will run just a little cooler.

    TIP :
    take the cap off look in, look in see if it has (how mean tubes) just because the rad have three tubes does not mean it is a three core the tub have to have hole throw it. Same goes for two core or a 4 core too.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2006

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