Can anyone give me some tips on what I will run into stacking frames. I have a 74 3/4 ton 4x4 and want to stack a 73 frame from a two wheel drive. Don't ask me why please, it's my buddy's project and he is pretty much set on doin it.
Why? If the whole goal of stacking frames is to lift the truck, then you would be better off just buying a suspension and body lift. I admit that it would look cool, but I wouldn't want to ride in it.
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-03 AT 09:35 PM (CST)]I found some more information about your question. In the march 2003 issue of 4Wheel and Off-Road, someone asked the same question. The guy who wrote it couldn't afford to spend $1,800 on a lift and tires for his S-10 and wanted to stack frames instead. Here's their response... "Please don't do this. Stacking two frames on top of each other is a heavy, time consuming, and potentially dangerous way to lift your S-10. The practice of stacking one frame on top of another and leaving the suspension mounted to the lower frame and the body attached to the top frame was popular in the '80s. We use to show trucks like this in 4Wheel & Off-Road, but that was a long time ago and now we realize how dumb it was to do that. We know that $1,800 can be alot of money to spend on a lift kit when what you really want is bigger tires, but we think your double frame project would cost you more than you realize. You didn't say what tire size you wanted to run, but if you can't afford a properly engineered lift kit, then break out the Sawzall and cut the fenders up until you can fit a 35. If you run out of metal to cut, install a 2- to 3-inch body lift. Just please don't go out and buy a second frame." There you go man. Words from the experts. If your buddy is still set on doing this, then I strongly advise you to find a CERTIFIED welder to do the job.
I dont no why the heck he would want to do that when he can by a body lift for under 100.00 bucks or a suspension lift for 300.00-600.00 dollars and it would be a heck of alot easier.Karl ________ Volcano Vaporizer Review
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-03 AT 10:00 AM (CST)]thanks for the mag article maybe it will discourage my buddy, it is good to hear some advice with logic, I think this KARL guy needs to get a life or take up a different hobby like model airplanes. I think he probably will still want to do it, and I am a WABO certified welder so you understand why I am so concerned, I get to do all the work. thanks again