1953 Chevrolet 3100 - brake lines

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Woogeroo, Dec 25, 2016.

  1. Woogeroo

    Woogeroo Member

    Apr 27, 2003
    Seeing the USA in my Chevrolet!

    1953 Chevrolet 3100 series.

    I need to replace my brake lines and I have a hand bender and tube cutters, brake flaring tools... but the last time I was under the truck, one of the lines runs into a big giant nut on the back of the master cylinder... is that something I have to buy reproduction? or does it come apart somehow so that I can flare the tube?

    If anyone has any links to their online photos of their brake lines, that would be really great too.


  2. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
  3. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    The line screws out of the big nut and the nut screws out of the master cylinder. If you haven't already purchased your new line I'd check out copper-nickel line on ebay. It's getting down in price now, will never rust, and is super easy to work with. It can even be single flared but I wouldn't.
  4. Joseph Martinez

    Joseph Martinez Member

    Jun 18, 2016
    That big NUT is part of the master cylinder. It is not removed unless you're rebuilding the master cylinder. Also, the brake line that goes from the master cylinder to the brass tee is is a larger line than the rest of the brake lines.
  5. 52wasp

    52wasp Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    Wilton, New Hampshire
    I second Evan's suggestion on copper-nickel brake line. It is marketed by a few different names, NiCopp, and CuNiFEr come to mind. FWIW, Volvo has been using the stuff forever.
  6. Woogeroo

    Woogeroo Member

    Apr 27, 2003
    Seeing the USA in my Chevrolet!
    I was thinking that it is larger, thanks.

    The issue I had was, that the line going from the front to the back axle literally burst. I'm guessing it is original, so I'd like to replace all of the metal lines. The rubber ones have already been replaced.

    Bill Hanlon - that is not the part I was asking about, but that does fit this 1953. The nut I was asking about is on the back of the master cylinder itself and has a brake line coming out of it in the center... trying to figure out how to replace the line.

    Thanks everyone.

    Yeah, I want to use the NiCopp stuff, looks like it would be an adventure if I can ever figure out what size lines and the threads for each area, etc..

  7. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    I believe what you are referring to is the "banjo bolt" on the back of the master cylinder. It has a brake line directly in the back of it. It does indeed look like a nut but it is a hollow bolt. As far as I know, it is not available after market or reproduction (ask me how I know). The banjo bolt goes through a distribution block on the back of the master cylinder which also has lines coming out of it, yes? I don't remember about that last part though. It's been a while since I have been at that part of my truck. But. I will check the assembly manual and post a pic of it tmr for you. The banjo bolts can be very corroded and difficult to remove. I had to carefully file down each flat spot on mine until the bolt was the next size smaller and then was able to remove it. Let me know if you find the banjo bolt as a "new" part.

  8. Joseph Martinez

    Joseph Martinez Member

    Jun 18, 2016
    That line that burst is the size of all the lines except the master cylinder line.
    NOT a banjo bolt. It's just a big nut.

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