New member looking at this truck

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by ChevBoy51, May 21, 2017.

  1. ChevBoy51

    ChevBoy51 Member

    May 21, 2017
    Howdy there! I joined to ask and get knowledge about these trucks, what to ask not to do and to look for!
    This has been on my Local Craigslist for over 2 months. No takers?? Odd..
    Now its pretty cheap. All original truck [Say's in the Bio]

    This truck has sat for twenty years, I have worked on it to get it running and replaces some brake lines. It feels like the brakes are dragging, clean title Original 6yl. What trans did these come with 3/4/5 speed?? this has 2spd Rear end... I also haven't figured out how much tonnage a 6400 is..?? If I 3600 is 1/2 this must be a 2 1/2?

    Thanks for looking hoping to get a few answers on this. its real cheap and i want it.. ;);)

    Attached Files:

  2. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    Hello and welcome. What year is the truck? Looks like a NON-original 6 cyl engine. I believe that came with a 216 engine and that one looks like a 235 which would be an upgrade as it is a better engine. Floor shift? If so, it is a 4 speed with the first gear being REALLY low. Sat for 20 years? Brakes dragging??? The wheel cylinders are most likely leaking among other things. After 20 years, you can plan on replacing the entire braking system including master cylinder, wheel cylinders, hard lines, rubber brake hoses, all shoes and spring kits. That;'s just for starters. Did you say you have got it to run? Good looking truck. I'm not familiar with the larger trucks, only the 1/2 ton as that is what I have, so I cannot tell you what the 6400 means. Also, 3600 is NOT a 1/2 ton. The 1/2 ton is the 3100.

    ChevBoy51 likes this.
  3. ChevBoy51

    ChevBoy51 Member

    May 21, 2017
    Thanks yes, It's not mine quite yet.. I am Not Familiar with these, rarely do we see them in my Area. The year of the truck is a 1951. If i do buy it i will re-do the suspension and brakes. I think he got it running? The trucks I have Most Knowledge in is the 81-87 Square Bodies.
  4. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    Not many in your area??? These trucks are like dog crap...they're EVERYWHERE. Countless are still in service as farm trucks, especially the bigger ones. It is likely the suspension is still in good working order although probably in need of some lubrication. Servicing the brakes may be an issue. I think I remember hearing that parts may be difficult to get for the larger trucks brakes but I may be mistaken on that. Let us know if the owner gets it running and if you do buy it. By the way...what is your name?

    ChevBoy51 likes this.
  5. ChevBoy51

    ChevBoy51 Member

    May 21, 2017
    Michigan bud. Im 2 miles from the Lake. only a small town of 800 ish.

    Kyle :)

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