I am planning to relocate my tailgate onto the inside of the tailgate on my 74 c-10. I am looking for anyone that has experience in doing this to give some advice. Or maybe some helpful links showing the process. I know that they have kits, but I havn't seen any for my year. The only one that I have seen is one from Belltech that is 88 and on. Any information on this will be very helpful. Thanks.
Did you look through the Chevy Duty catalog before you posted your question, because they have the part you want. It's on page 6 of the tailgate section for the 73-87 catagory
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-03 AT 09:23 PM (CST)]I didn't, but I did after you told me and there is no item that is in the tailgate section that will relocate my tailgate handle...could you give me a part number? Thanks. ----------- I just looked online and found it...my catalog must be old or something...thanks for the help