Not proud of this one

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by coilover, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    The pictures were taken at just about dark so real glamor is muted; in the sun it's got a ton of "wow" factor. A quite rare 70 model 442 W30 awaiting just a few trim pieces before going home but just like beautiful children can be disappointing so is this one. Owner listened to every Tom, Dick, and Harry offering thoughts and made up his mind that he HAD to have an LS engine so out came the 455 and in went a 450hp LS. Not my favorite project. IMG_4313.JPG IMG_4314.JPG IMG_4315.JPG IMG_4316.JPG
  2. 50 Chevy LS3

    50 Chevy LS3 Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    I agree, Evan. From an investment, standpoint, that swap probably de-valued the car, significantly.
    I'm curious, what transmission did those Tom, Dick, and Harry's, suggest?

    Now, having said that, I'm sort of, kinda, looking for a rust free, early to mid, 70s Trans-Am, with a missing or run-out engine.
    This for a LS3/Tremec 6 speed, conversion.
    If you know or see one, down there, I would appreciate a heads up.
  3. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Has the 4L80E trans. We have a 76 Trans-Am in the shop that the owner is having health issues and reconsidering the project. Would have to check to see what's against it but does have a few hours due to removing the sun roof and filling the hole. No engine or trans with it but may be one at owners place. Will check it out;
  4. 52wasp

    52wasp Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    Wilton, New Hampshire
    All that pavement-buckling torque forsaken! Sacrilege, especially if it was the original, numbers matching mill. The ONLY way this would be an acceptable thing is if the original drivetrain were to be proudly displayed on an engine stand in the owner's man-cave. I'm talking special lighting, and an engine and trans fully dressed, and detailed. So when your buddies come over (that would be the aforementioned Tom, Dick and Harry) you can all stand around the centerpiece and wonder whose brilliant idea it was to relegate such a hallowed engine bay to one of those "new" motors.

    If the 455 was sold to finance such an activity, criminal charges are one suggestion.
  5. Depoebay

    Depoebay Member

    Jan 13, 2017
    Agree a definite WHY? I hit a lot of car shows and look at what folks do their rides. I shake my head when every "ge gaw and doo dad" is on a vehicle.

    I get questioned about my 55 truck as to why I didn't leave original. Because it was hacked when I bought it
    Watch out coilover you'll be installing Lamborghini style doors on it next
  6. Lakeroadster

    Lakeroadster Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Central Colorado
    That engine swap may be a good thing... a very good thing.

    If the 455 was a matching numbers component of the original car, swapping in the other motor makes sense if the car is driven much. The owner can thrash the hell out of the LS motor without fear of breaking something that makes the car very valuable.

    As long as nothing was altered such that it can't be returned to it's original equipment... no harm no fowl.

    As for the original motor... fill it full of oil and store it.

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