How to put window back in track?

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by garrison, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. garrison

    garrison Member

    Jan 31, 2010
    I took my 57 1/2 ton out for a ride, had a friend with me and it was a nice day so he went to roll the passenger window down. And the window is out of the track. I can grab it and pull it up or down, but obviously I need to put it back in the track. I've never done this before and I've learned sometimes it's best to ask for pointers so that I don't make more work for myself. So... can anyone tell me how to go about doing this?
  2. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Start by removing the inside handles and the panels behind the handles from BOTH DOORS. Then you should be able to compare the non-working with the working door.

    Here is a pointer to the first page of the door section of the GMC Maintenance Manual. 1955 - 1959 GMC Trucks Maintenance Manual - Models 100 - 500 Scroll to the next (or previous) page at the bottom of each page.

    Should help with your task.
  3. garrison

    garrison Member

    Jan 31, 2010
    Sorry for the delay in response. I've been out of town and just now able to get back to the truck. I assumed that the window was out of its track, but that's not the case. I can feel a piece that's attached to the rolling mechanism and has a spot I assume is to be mounted to the track - but it's come loose. However, I can't find anything in the service manual to explain where/how to reattach this? Can anyone help? I'm guessing I'm not the first person to have encountered this. I'm hoping not to have to remove the whole window assembly but I cant seem to "feel" for what I'm trying to find.
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Maybe posting some pictures of what's what in your truck ? .

    There's a 'U' shaped metal channel that holds the glass with "window setting tape" and some times the tape dries out and won't hold the glass any longer, fairly simple to repair .

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