Wanting to change 83 Scottsdale single headlamp grill to 85 dual headlamp grill. Are these grills interchangeable as far as width, depth and such?
I believe you can interchange them up to 1987, after that I think you have to change the radiator support. should be bolt in. I just put a 82 front end on my 76 blazer, and I have been playing with a few different year grills and they all seem to fit fine. you might have to play with your turn signals , depending on which setup you settle on. ( move from under single light to behind grill) good luck. hope this helps you out.
Thanks, I've looked at Chevy Duty. ##### State, ##### Truck catalogs and the best I can determine is that from 81 - 87 the parts are listed as the same, such as the grill fro an 85 is the same up to an 87. Yes I'll have to change radiator supports and the radiator front panel to fit a 4 headlight system into and the best I can tell from my is they are all bolt in pieces...thanks again. Camelback43