Where does one find these lower gears for the rear end and all the needed parts to make this swap? I have a friend that needs it done. Anybody except Patrick's please. I have been hearing a lot of very bad things about that place over the past several years. Thanks, Andy
I offer the new 3.55 ring & pinion gears for $350 W/FREE U.S. shipping. We currently have them stacked to the ceiling in our warehouse...
Thanks Bill and Jim. Merry Christmas to all on the board. I will have a story for you in the New year. Haha Andy
and a Merry Christmas right back Andy! Just sayin'... your "story in the New Year" better have pictures- that Zig fella will be all over your thread if you don't. (just preparing you for the inevZigable)
Great photo! Right side up and everything! Yeah, someday I’ll get the surround around the wood. Can’t wait! Here’s a (probably upside down) photo that shows off the gas residue that I should have cleaned off before taking the photo, but I figured it would probably quit snowing.
Hmm oops...the rotated/upside down photos were my fault; the site wasn't reading the orientation correctly. Should be fixed now, sorry about that...
Judging by post-count, Nick is the new guy. I'm with you Bill. Isn't Zig a teacher? Does he go over lessons that are rotated 90 degrees? Does he hand out worksheet sideways?
Nick may have a low post count, but he is the site master. Zig reminds me of my high school auto shop teacher. He teaches because he wants to. The best kind.
Yay!!! It really WASN’T me!!! (Thanks, Nick! Check’s in the mail!) Yeah, teaching is a great gig. To have the opportunity to try and inspire our youth to give a hoot is an awesome challenge, but the most important challenge is to get them to understand that the key to success is truly about the minute by minute choices you make. Anyway, I feel like posting a picture now!