We have a 50 3100 in the shop with a zero wear steering box. You can't move the steering wheel 1/16 inch before pitman arm moves. The truck is getting a Mustang ll ifs so the column and shaft will be cut off at the top of the gear box. If you have an old crap unit all we need is the tube and shaft (cut close to the box) as we have all the shift and shift box parts. The tube and shaft will shift cheap to us but the whole unit shipped to you may be pricey. Let me know QUICKLY if you want it for the shipping costs and I'll try to save it from the Saws-All. Pic of the only part we use:
Yeah I know, Nate. That's why I had "quickly" in caps. A box as good as it was from Lare's would run $700 o I thought someone would jump. Got to remember the shop is a commercial operation so each space has to bring in X amount or the utilities get turned off and the guys don't get paid. I was lucky to get a two day grace period.