lost title

Discussion in 'General Chevy & GMC Pickups Talk' started by johnnybee, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. johnnybee

    johnnybee Member

    Feb 22, 2004
    doeney usa
    hello. has anybody been able to title a car in cal that has only bill of sale? no pink no plates, nothing.ive got a 39 coupe i picked up on ebay. it was supposed to have clear title, but i paid and all of a sudden theres no title, as stated. yes im a dope. after some discussion, the seller lowered the price. im still obligated by ebay to complete the purchase. i take the car with some reservations. i titled an old car about five years ago, with the help of a registration co.i feel i may have made a mistake on this car. bill of sale is all i have. anybody have this problem , or know how to remedy? thanks john.x(
  2. smoov330

    smoov330 Member

    Apr 8, 2003
    Peotone USA
    Start with a title search in the state which it was purchased. First call the DMV, sometimes they ask for a fee, sometimes they dont. You'll have to mail in a request with the fee and VIM number. The paper work you'll get back will have all title transfers with previous owners names, who bought and sold the vehicle. If it was transfered in from another state you will then have to do the same thing all over again n that state.
    I bought a Corvette and did the search thing and was amased that it went through 15 people and 3 states. Hope this helps. Ed
  3. bennyhunch

    bennyhunch Member

    Jan 24, 2003
    S.F. Bay Area USA
    When I bought my truck all I had was a bill of sale. Took it and the Vin # to the CA DMV. The title was lost so the seller had to sign a form stating this was the case. Then I had to have the VIN # checked either by the DMV or the CHP. I chose the latter because they were closer and I had to tow the truck there.
    Good Luck
  4. johnnybee

    johnnybee Member

    Feb 22, 2004
    doeney usa
    thank you both for the info. unfortunatly my seller is pissed at me after a disagreement over the title and car condition. it was a e bay deal.and has been avoiding my calls. they have a thing called square trade, at ebay. i will have to take him there to obtain his cooperation. since his listing said clear title. he should be held repsonsible for his listing. thanks again. johnx(
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    John ;

    In Ca. you cannot search the old title like Ed did , go to New Hampshire Title Service (Hemmning's Motor News) opay the price , save the sad story and you'll be good to go .

    Or you can find your local Police impound and ask them who does thier lein sales and have that person do a lein sale on this '39 .

    DON'T tell the Ca. DMV your sad story or they'll deliberately screw it up so you'll never get title .

  6. johnnybee

    johnnybee Member

    Feb 22, 2004
    doeney usa
    thanks for the info nate. fortunatly the title is moving thru ok so far. i hired a title service to do the leg work for me, im almost there! one trip to chp for vin verify and cross the fingers it will be done. thanks

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