ring and pinion for 1969 C20

Discussion in '1967-1972' started by Mike Burns, Jun 30, 2019.

  1. Mike Burns

    Mike Burns Member

    Jun 30, 2019
    I would very much like to change the ring & pinion gears in the rear end of my 1969 C20. I don't like the extremely low gears that are in it now. From what I've read, I think that it is an Eaton HO52, but would like to confirm that. Truck has a 250 six, with 3 spd transmission. Differential has 10 bolts. Axles are 8 lug. The gears are very low. I'm assuming 4:56 or 4:57, but don't know for sure. Does this sound like an HO52? I can't find gear sets for this in the Classic parts catalog, (nor any others where I've looked). I really like driving the truck except for the low low gearing. Can any of you folks point help educate me or point me in the right direction? I'll much appreciate it. I've fixed lots of things on this truck since I bought it, and now I just want to be able to enjoy it. Thanks
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Jeeze,no replies .

    All I can tell you from old farm trucks is : find one of similar year with the same 10 bolt ring gear that has an automatic, the rear axle should be a bolt in .

    Typically the early to mid 1970's Chevy & GMC G series vans will have better ratios .

    I no longer remember where but the ratio is stamped on the outside underneath 1/2" of old grease and road mung, do some research on the HO52 axles, there's more than one Hot Rod site that walks you through the various ratios, where to find them marked externally and so on .

    Good luck hunting, keep us posted please .

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