OK, help i dont know whats up. Today all i did was change the sparkplugs and wires. and now i got a whitish blueish smoke coming out my tailpipe. ? i dont get it? all i did was change the plugs. But when she is running, she sounds good MUCH better then before I changed the plugs. Any help would be helpfull thank you all for your time.
sounds like your valve guides are going, or your rings are going. what did the spark plugs you took out look like? were they all dark,oily,full of crude? if so I would suspect an oil control problem. run a compression test on each cylinder. look for even numbers across all the cylinders, if you have two cylinders next to each other that are low compared to the others you might have a leaking head gasket. If you run your compression test and all the cylinders are within 5-10 pounds compression of each other, then repeat the test but on each cylinder squirt in some engine oil in the plug hole before you test it , if the numbers improve a lot, then I would suspect worn rings. what kind of engine are you running? straight six? or v8? good luck, let us know how it goes. anyone else out there have any ideas? eugene68