Hi, Im new in this group, Living in Germany and driving a 1986 C30 CrewCab longbox dually. Its a little to big for narrow european streets, but a very nice car. Now I have a problem. I want to change the original gearshifter lever knop to a billet style knob. But how I can unfix the old knob? Its mounted very firm to the lever and I dont know, wether its glued or screwd or something else. thx for Your help Matthias
RE: Changing the gearshifter lever [updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-04 AT 10:36 PM (CST)]Charles F Rising JR: Look directly underneath the shifter knob and check to see if there is a nut, if so then loosen the nut and you should be able to spin the old one off. If not then it is glued on and it is rather difficult to remove. in which case you will need to use a large pair of channel-lock pliers and twist and pull the old knob off being careful as to not damage the old knob ( In case you want to reuse it at a later date)( as in selling the truck).
RE: Changing the gearshifter lever its most likely screwed on. so just grab it with both hands and twist hard. but if there is a nut below it losen it first. like charles said. cowboy