Discussion in '1947-1954' started by RidesWithYah, Apr 21, 2021.

  1. RidesWithYah

    RidesWithYah Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Lexington KY
    Progress has been slow, but hoping to move on to paint before too much longer.

    Haven't made the final decision on body color yet, but I'm leaning toward Sun Beige (one of the original colors in '51). Got an offset from PPG Color Library for that. It would take crimson striping (belt line and wheels).
    I am going with a painted grill (body color), and the back bars would be Waldorf White. Internet search says 1977 Subaru Plaza White 21W/90096 is a pretty close match.
    Using the hosts "Champagne" interior paint; and I found reference to a Taupe (SEM 15423) for the steering mast, shift handle, and steering wheel.
    Flat black for the frame and miscellaneous bits.
    All of that sound right, or other suggestions?

    Any other colors my painter will need, or does that get it?

    Thanks y'all.
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    What typ of paint will you use ? .

    Single stage or color & clear coat ? .
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  3. RidesWithYah

    RidesWithYah Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Lexington KY
    Base/Clear, seems nobody around here shoots single stage any more.
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    It's not legal in California to shoot single stage paints on motor vehicles these days but a few still do it .
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  5. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Been a few "daze" since the
    original topic COLORS ! ! :D
    I caught this :

    "I am going with a painted grill (body color),
    and the back bars would be Waldorf White. Internet search
    says 1977 Subaru Plaza White 21W/90096 is a pretty close match. "

    Denny Graham mocked up the same Plaza White for a grill he was painting
    1977 Subaru Plaza White 02.JPG photo - dennygraham photos at

    Didn't know where or if it was OK ? to ask here
    about the tricky color White. Hard to tell on a computer
    screen and forget my trying to have a paint place use
    the color codes.

    "Duplicolor " seems to carry
    several "GM" White paints
    and best of all they come in Rattle Cans -LOL.

    I caught member " Coilover"
    seemed to know a lot about painting
    Maybe he will catch this and chime in

    Question on GM White-- Olympic White - Summit White-
    the old Polar White ? Which GM paint offers a slight off white
    just a TAD on the creamy side. Not Bright White...

    There sure are a lot of opinions on the internet..
    With everything be true ( WINK) Thought to ask here
    being that in my short time here I found some solid advice
    and some who know their stuff. My Old Burb is two tone
    having been painted back in 1982 with > Imron <
    The Old Commercial Stuff that has held up beautifully
    except for where I scuffed it up- and allowed the Rust to find
    many places to start in hidden areas. The Rust started to say
    `` SURPRISE ``WE have been Working Overtime...:eek:
    The Old Original " Thistle Gray" hubcaps where also
    painted the same color of white -and the lettering done
    in black. While the caps are chipped up etc..
    Wanted to start there trying to get a soft -creamy ? white
    Any tips on matching what's there - ?
    Sure be nice to have a swatches form the color charts
    Well another topic highjacked --
    Do We do get three strikes
    ..... before being kicked out ?...:eek:

    Love to see some pictures from
    " Rides With Yah ":cool:
    Hope All are Well and doing Good.:)
    Last edited: May 15, 2021
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Questions are always welcomed, we're not the 'old grumps with closed minds group' .

    Even is indeed very good with this sort of question as he's been building Advance Design trucks for many years .

    Mostly Hot Rods but still and all.....

    Foo-Foo cans are easy and these days better quality paints come in them but still no hardeners so after you paint some thing with a Foo-Foo can be sure to either gently heat it in a 200* F oven for 30 minutes or lay it out in the direct sun light for a day to help flash off the solvents .
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  7. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Thanks again Nate
    Always appreciate your sharing
    and outlook on life

    Well bought some rattle cans- going to see
    what they look like after a few passes on a strip
    of metal flashing left over from my re-roofing the shack -(smile)
    Bought Olympic White and Stone White < which has the creamier
    tone , ( dirty- rust undertones ? < lol )

    Plus I ordered
    " One Shot " black enamel
    paint for the hubcap lettering --:cool:

    Trouble is the Older
    I GOT the more and more
    HOT ` Coffee ` ` I tend to ````dOwN``:eek:

    Always appreciate
    Your comments
    and Help Nate--:)
    Now to start weaning off
    So much `` cccc`O`fFeE:eek::D

    Interesting read found on the Stovebolt Forums..
    Painted hubcaps for AD? - The Stovebolt Forums

    IF I could afford to have my Hub Caps ! Painted
    for me this would have been exactly the look I would
    have done- I know some of the really talented here might say ?
    No ! - I really don't know that (Wink ) At least I am honest ! LOL..
    From Jim Carter's Paint selection a shot of the original
    Thistle Gray and check out those pinstripes ! Amazing and
    to think there are members here who shared how ---they did it too---
    Last edited: May 16, 2021
    vwnate1 and RidesWithYah like this.
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    You can paint your own pin stripes ~ use a hobby brush and those little bottles of enamel they sell at hobby stores, mount the wheel on a front hub and slowly spin it and touch the tip of the paint brush, if you don't like it, wipe it off quickly and try again....

    I ran '41 ~ '46 passenger car hubbies on my '49, they come chromed and have red and blue paint in the stamped parts ~ very pretty .

    I don't see anything wrong with coffee......

    $tarbuck$ even has a $2.50 coffee Slurpee =:cool: .
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  9. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    50 plus years ago..WOW..
    I in fact had some earlier year hubcaps
    on my 53 `. Someone heisted two of them
    and so I took the other two off and hung them
    from "nails" in my little workshop. Not much later
    as I became friends with the guy who had a salvage yard
    close to home--- gave me several hubcaps and finally
    I had 4 Original 53's. Didn't matter that they were dented
    after all it was my Work Truck ! not a show queen...(smile)
    My small workshop ended up having Old Chevy Steering Wheels
    Radiators - well.. the walls were beautifully adorned with Chevy Truck
    stuff < I started collecting what " Matt" at the salvage yard either gave me
    or paid nearly nothing for. Those were the " DAZE" my friend...

    The Forums-- sponsor has these also.
    A Little too pretty for what I am aiming for..
    However they are my favorite ones --

    I just hope I can stop some of the rust-- start driving
    Old Rusty Nellie Bell.. short cruises out to the few fields..
    left in our area... Feeling my age much before my time ?...
    Well Nate- got past some of the old IMRON down to the
    Original " Thistle Gray" paint... My Caps are Dented Up
    But getting close to be being cleaned Up..
    And until the Good Lord says I am ready to be...
    " Beamed Up":D Wanted to say again you have
    made me feel welcome and sure helped me out.
    Thanks again..
    And where's Ride With Yah ?..:cool:
    I didn't mean to high jack the post---o_O
    The Best. :)
    Last edited: May 17, 2021
  10. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Those are the hub caps my son bought me for Father's day long ago ~ he knew I loved them and couldn't afford a set so he bought me 5 knowing I'd want one on the side mount spare .

    Rust requires ferrous metal, water ( not much) and oxygen to form so anything you can do to break this <magic> triangle will work .

    Wax is very good but needs re application periodically .

    The primary reason powder coating is so awful is : any imperfection allows moisture to get in and cause rusting, the powder coating prevents the water from escaping so eventually the metal underneath rusts out and collapses .

    Honda learned this the hard way in the 1980's when a whole bunch of three year old Motocycle frames broke while going down the road...

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