Infamous Grill Guard

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Climberdad, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. Climberdad

    Climberdad Member

    Nov 2, 2007
    Argyle, TX
    Hello all,

    Been a very long time.

    I sold the 54 to a guy that "made me an offer I couldn't refuse"...

    We are in the process of "Downsizing" and clearing out a bunch of stuff.

    One item is the Grill Guard from the old truck - shown in the photo.

    Anyone here want it?

    I fear it is too much to try to ship - so proximity to the Dallas/Fort Worth area is a plus.

    Let me know - not looking for much - just don't have the heart to send it to the scrap metal place...

    Attached Files:

    Rito and Ernest B Way like this.
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Jezzo-Peezo ~ DON'T scrap it ! .

    I know many don't like these but they're getting hard to find un damaged .
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  3. Climberdad

    Climberdad Member

    Nov 2, 2007
    Argyle, TX
    Hey Nate -

    Long time...

    I do not want to just dump it - I want to find a good home for it. It's in great shape.
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Yes, long time .

    Were I local I'd save it .

    I don't need/cannot use it but when I had my '49 3100 I'da been proud to have it on my truck .
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  5. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Another example of a gracious `Chebby `member
    Sorry to hear you had to downsize .Just adding that
    I need a Chevy AD 3100 in my life forever !

    Even if it comes down to the day - I can do nothing
    more than sit in the drivers seat ! LOL.
    Over 50 years having them Well.. too late for me ! (smile)

    I had only once in my
    life seen that type of Grill Guard.
    And it was on a "Low Rider" in Los Angeles CA.
    Caught this looking for more
    information and wonder if it was ?
    ```` A Smash Hit Grill Guard``` !:eek::D
    I sure know ! so very little and found members here
    can still teach an Old Dog like me new stuff.
    The Best !:)
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2021
    vwnate1 likes this.
  6. Climberdad

    Climberdad Member

    Nov 2, 2007
    Argyle, TX
    Thanks Ernest - I love that ad.
    Thanks for your kind words - but we are downsizing by choice. We live on a large property and now that we are empty nesters - we are simplifying our lives. Going for very little maintenance.

    Hopefully - someone can find a way to keep this fun piece of history alive and well - where it belongs - proudly on the front of a Chevy AD!

    Ernest B Way and vwnate1 like this.
  7. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    We too are currently downsizing - Wife and I
    agreed that it was past time to clean up- reduce
    our inventory of "stuff" LOL
    We own an old 1953 Flying Cloud Airstream (shabby shape)
    that after the kids started using ever inch they could find in
    OUR storage sheds and even the small cubical I call my shop-
    - Well been working on an old 1965 tin shed.
    The walls were sound but the roof was paper
    thin and``` holey``haha. New tin and all my
    special lumber -saws-tools..went in to the shed last week..

    Working on the Burb has been challenging
    as my age caught up and so has the wife's Honey Do- List (wink)
    In short -months ago I had purchased from our sponsor
    (Classic Parts ) a set of stainless steel brake lines they
    carried and dropped shipped from U-Line .

    After replacing rather than rebuilding the
    brake cylinders-lines etc. The Factory Undercoating on the Burb
    had really preserved the old steel lines and after chipping around
    there and there- It wasn't really worth it for me to replace them.
    I used new clips and such and by the time I thought to return
    the SS U-line set It was too late.

    All that to say I hate messing
    with the Post Office-Shipping
    etc. but thought to ask Nate if he knew ?
    of someone who really ? really -- could use
    the SS U-Line set (6 piece ) for a 1953 (short bed)

    The shipping box takes up so much room.
    for the lightweight 6 piece set of lines.
    And in turn the shipping is extra for the "size"
    Heck you can pick up the box and think it's empty
    being the stainless steel brake line set is so light ! LOL

    Flared fitting ends- pre bent to fit - all but for
    one gentle > bend < with the simple instructions on how
    to lay the line out and apply the one gentle bend.

    If Nate knows of anyone that
    wants them REALLY NEEDS them
    I can repackage them
    and send them off. I thought of how
    gracious some members have been and
    as with Yourself Bruce - who know what that means..
    Sure Cool finding people who Love the AD's.
    Great !
    And Great Bumping :eek: ......
    Into You Bruce :):D
    The Best ..
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
    vwnate1 likes this.
  8. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Sad -reality check note :
    2 years ago my best friend ! Artie (dog)
    passed and I was a MESS. While digging his
    resting place next to his Uncle Shadow and his
    companion Rudy-- well about waist high in the hard
    clay - I saw something shiny`` and it turned out
    to be a Southern CA. AAA Club License Plate Topper...

    How long ? Where the ? Why the ? How the ?

    Over 3 feet deep in hard solid clay
    and the brass alloy ? < in the middle
    -- is flaky-ugly--Beautiful !:)
    ------------- Green Patina ! :D LOL......

    And it's going on the Burb as is............
    The Stainless AAA Rim Shines
    Around the Green Bell in the Center
    Like The Gifts from Above...:D
    And has Artie written all over it
    if You know what I mean;):)
    Chiro and vwnate1 like this.
  9. Bob Kirk

    Bob Kirk Member

    Sep 8, 2021
    I live just north of Dallas, east of Plano. Just today I convinced a good friend of mine to sell me his "project" 1953 Chevy 3100. I happen to know that it doesn't have the brush guard. Do you happen to have a photo of it? I'd love to add it to the truck depending on what you are asking for it. Let me know what you're thinking.


    Ernest B Way and vwnate1 like this.
  10. Climberdad

    Climberdad Member

    Nov 2, 2007
    Argyle, TX
    Hello Bob,

    Here's a photo. Also - see Ernest's post above for the original advertisement.

    I am more interested in finding a good home for it. If you want it, I will be happy that it's found your truck.

    Attached Files:

    vwnate1 likes this.
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Maybe you could go fetch it......
  12. Bob Kirk

    Bob Kirk Member

    Sep 8, 2021
    @Climberdad I'm new to this forum and may have missed it if someone else has made a claim on the brush guard and its supposed to be headed to California. @LaTroca52 I don't want to get in the way of anyone else's planned acquisition of this item. If I misunderstood and its still available great, then I'll take it and hopefully when the 1953 is in my hot little hands I can make use of it, if not then please pass it along to who ever was first. If for some reason I can't use it, then I pass it along down the way to another owner.

    As for the brake lines, one of my plans given the current state of the 53, is to do a disk brake conversion and run all new brake lines, @Ernest B Way if the brake lines are available, I'd gladly pay the shipping costs to get them to me in Texas.
    Ernest B Way and vwnate1 like this.
  13. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Bought the brake line kit from our sponsors site (Classic Parts )
    and they were "dropped shipped" from "U-Line " and took more
    time to arrive than I had planned or imagined. That said here is a link
    to the kit :
    *Brake Line Set Manual Drum Shortbed 6pcs-Classic Chevy Truck Parts
    (1953) * Brake Line Set Manual Drum
    Shortbed 6pcs - "Stainless Steel "

    Be patient with me , as I have the box in my trailer
    will try and re- pack the lines in either the original box or a new box.
    You can send me the address via a private message (conversation feature)
    And if they will work-- for what you are intending to do !
    That would be great !

    Again what a great bunch of members here
    And a Big Thanks to Nate - as he made
    ```like to hang around:rolleyes: ``:eek: here :D
    vwnate1 likes this.
  14. Climberdad

    Climberdad Member

    Nov 2, 2007
    Argyle, TX
    Hello Bob -

    The grille guard is available - and yours.
    I was clear at the beginning of the post that I was not interested in shipping it - you will see why when you come to pick it up. It's Beefy!
    I'll send you a message with my contact info.

    Bob Kirk and vwnate1 like this.
  15. Climberdad

    Climberdad Member

    Nov 2, 2007
    Argyle, TX
    Thank you for your interest. Correct - sorry - Hopefully, I was upfront about not wanting to deal with trying to figure out how to ship it.

    Good Luck
    vwnate1 likes this.
  16. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Thanks ! Bruce
    What s Cool offer from the heart !

    Without the hassle in shipping
    and $$ I would have jumped on it !
    Reading the description in the ads had
    Heavy ! written all over it->> Solid Nice !
    Old School- AD.....

    Darn oversize box the
    pre-bent brake lines were shipped
    to me in - made the shipping cost a little $$ more..
    vwnate1 likes this.
  17. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Not everyone out there interested in old machinery is grumpy/selfish/@$$#oles .

    I've been here a while and have received help and parts from many .

    I'm a Journeyman mechanic who remembers the late 50's & early 60's when these Advance Design trucks were just average $250 used trucks or still in use by many original owners .

    Progress is when we all push in the same direction ~ a lesson I learned early on as a Conservative farm boy .
    Ernest B Way and Bob Kirk like this.
  18. Bob Kirk

    Bob Kirk Member

    Sep 8, 2021
    That is good to hear. I'm retired myself and have just finished refurbishing a 1969 Jaguar XKE. That style of car was imprinted on my young mind by my favorite uncle buying one in 1968 and allowing me to drive it to learn how to drive a stick on my 16th birthday just three years later. I've been a car guy my entire life and enjoy buying the, fixing them, restoring them, and driving them. I've always had an early 50's truck desire in the back of my mind. When my buddy bought his 1953 3100, it was part of a deal that a widow was selling and it had to go with the 25 foot covered trailer she was selling. He wanted the trailer, the truck was just a bonus. I tried to buy it from his back then, but he had plans for it. Now six years later and he hasn't touched it since he bought it, he has decided that its time to give it a new home and I was the first guy to say "I want it" I forgot to ask him "How much?" But I'm sure he'll be fair with me.
    vwnate1 likes this.
  19. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Ready or Not !
    here it comes Bob...
    "Short -Bed ? Long Bed ? will they be
    what I wanted or can use ? "...:rolleyes:

    Just got back from the UPS Store
    so keep an eye out for the delivery
    come Tuesday or Wednesday``!:D
    vwnate1 likes this.
  20. Bob Kirk

    Bob Kirk Member

    Sep 8, 2021
    What do I owe you ?
    vwnate1 likes this.

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