Introduction To Rusto-Mod

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Chip, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    I thought I'd introduce myself.... and the project truck.
    I was given the chance to get a 1952 project. Had a plethora of odd parts and a unique kit. It had a C4 Corvette kit to transplant the full front and rear suspension to the stock 47-53 frame. The cab was a rust bucket so a '51 cab with title was found in Montana (home state). It is a 6400 cab, but when going thru most titling/licensing, they look at the custom 'hotrod' outcome so I'm not concerned about that factor. Welding and patching of the rusty cab has been the most PITA. Already have a rare show truck that am affraid of driving in normal traffic so wanted a driver that I won't worry about getting rock chips...or getting rained on. This has been named the 'Mobil rusto-mod'. My grandfather had a Mobil station with a '52 Chevy fuel delivery truck. It is going to look like it has been sitting for 40 years. This is a tribute....with few modern day touches. With the usual rusty body patches, I've figured out how to mod the factory drivers side lock and have an outside key lock that works like the passenger side.
    Still learning every day. E3B454CE-0779-4F6E-9FAD-1B689B93F38F.jpeg 15700835-6654-4822-9DEE-5A6D4F63D7BA.jpeg 9C535070-1697-42A1-9195-0E3175D3EEEA.jpeg DDE251D8-B591-4E02-A769-0083EB2D09BD.jpeg When finished it will look like an old rusty abandoned truck that still has some life in it, but will handle like no other.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2021
    Waveski, vwnate1 and Lakeroadster like this.
  2. Lakeroadster

    Lakeroadster Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Central Colorado
    Nice... should handle like it's on rails.

    Welcome to the forum .
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2021
    vwnate1 likes this.
  3. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    Worked on the fuel tank relocation.
    Forgot to get hardened tubing for the bolts so won't get done this weekend.
    Can't wait to mock up the filler tube outside the bed behind the fender.
    more to come.;) 7A0E48DB-E0A1-43FC-9A89-E74BD88CA86D.jpeg
    vwnate1 likes this.
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Wow, this is quite the project .

    Thanx for saving one more rusty old junker from being crushed .

    I hope you encapsulate the rust else it will cause the metal to become paper thin and the entire thing junk .
  5. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    Oh yeah. I'm cutting out and replacing the worst of the rust and Por-15 encapsulating the rest. Painting stock colors....including interior. Won't have a/c but have sprayed 'Lizard Skin' to help with heat and sound.
    I like working with minimal to make look like 'one of a kind' but stock looking. I have a 1991 GMC S-15 extended cab that has Syclone cladding. I built the cladding so it looks completely factory stock. They never made a factory extended cab except for 1 GT that no one knows where it is at as of now. It makes it look like a one of a kind extended cab. The only one I know of to date.
    My goal is to have it look like it has set outside for 45 years but it will put you in your place out on the road. Patina paint 350 4l60 C-4 suspension. My grandfather had a Mobil station up til the 70's and had a '52 with a 300 gallon tank for fuel deliveries on the back. A tribute to him.... including red 'commercial' color and with period correct 'Pegasus' logos on the doors.
    With long hours at work, this might not be back on the road til spring... but will be more than worth it.
  6. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    Finished the tank brackets a couple of weeks ago, and back from vacation last night.
    Got the filler neck thru the bed today and like the results.
    Next is making the protective shield on the bed side. F763F40C-B8CF-44D1-A11C-14999824EB5E.jpeg F763F40C-B8CF-44D1-A11C-14999824EB5E.jpeg 158E4A5B-8247-4F43-A5C3-70E1464279AA.jpeg 0679FFFC-CFE9-484F-82C4-76A609068F2F.jpeg
    vwnate1 likes this.
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Progress ! .
  8. Waveski

    Waveski Member

    Nov 21, 2020
    That rear end and suspension is extremely cool!
    What is the new wheelbase?
  9. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    A little over 116". Suppose to be close to stock.
  10. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    Working on the in bed filler shield.
    Now I wish I had a TIG welder for the finite stuff.
    Might have to get one. E7997684-B5EC-4FB0-83CD-EBDC6D9EF484.jpeg
    vwnate1 likes this.
  11. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    Not much done lately.
    Gonna have more than 60+ hours into this one idea. 5F0A2815-83C0-430B-9D9D-768E22DFA0F4.jpeg
    vwnate1 likes this.
  12. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    Not much shop time lately, but getting closer to being done with this crazy idea. 30AFFE03-B4EA-4F3F-BBFA-9D985A9376D7.jpeg
    rira and vwnate1 like this.
  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Chip ;

    This isn't a crazy idea, it's a popular idea that you've put a lot of thought into and done well ~ this is the sign of a true Hot Rodder : you want it done right and to your taste , not what anyone else things is cool .

    I see so many in bed fuel fillers that completely change the aspect of a truck .

    Yes, I understand they don't plan on ever carrying a load in it but life often intrudes on our fantasy lives .
  14. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    Limping around on a previous injury, so progress has been slow.
    Almost done with the bed mockup and then ready for primer/patina.
    Then back to the cab details, such as parking brake setup (thinking of 56+ under dash arm with newer cables to adapt to the Vette brakes).
    One more day closer to dreaming it is done.
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  15. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Um Chip ;

    Did your foot get hurt ? .
  16. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    Shattered my ankle at work 10 years ago. Had 2 surgeries. Was OK for a couple of years then has gotten progressivily worse. Just got the L&I case reopened a couple of months ago. Waiting to find out if and what surgery.
    Just want the pain to go away.
  17. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Sad to hear this Chip ;

    One of my buddies from the 1960's just had a diabetic problem that resulted in one foot being cut off .

    Same name too, we were incarcerated in the 1960's, I'm a mechanic, he's an Appliance Mechanic .

    I shattered every bone in my left hand and snapped the end off my left forearm my last Moto crash, I hope they can fix your pain as mine is 24/7 and I have to sleep in a chair .

    Take is easy and FOLLOW THE PHYSICAL THERAPY REGAMINE ~ I look pretty rough but can handle my tools and ride again....
  18. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    On what they can legally prescribe, and tons of herbal/over the counter, just to help me try to sleep.
    Already cost me a marriage (per the family probably for the better).
    Pain can drain you physically and mentally, especially after years.
    vwnate1 likes this.
  19. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    You're not kidding Chip .

    I'm tired 24/7 it seems these days, part of why my Sweet insisted I retire, I'd expected to die in the traces but she wanted me home before I was stuck in a wheel chair .

    Gotta watch the dope, acetaminophen, ibuprofen etc. all work great but attack your liver and kidneys very slowly, by the time you're dying a horrible slow death it's too late .

    Then there's all those damned synthetic opioids ~ look through history and after every major war there's been a heroin or other opioid epidemic, easy to get hooked on, nearly impossible to quit .

    I learned to manage pain via meditation but that's tricky too, you can manage it so well you wind up with life threatening infections .

    My Sweet has rheumatoid arthritis and like me hates taking dope because so many died from it, I talked her into trying CBD oil pills and they worked great and didn't get her high but after that bottle was gone she said no more .

    FWIW, an important thing many doctors seem to forget is : your feet are the furthest thing from your heart plus the heart has to fight gravity tp circulate the blood back UP again, why putting your feet up feels so good .

    Point being : follow the P.T. to the letter, don't overdo it but keep your legs in motion as much as you can .

    This keeps things working better and eases heart strain .

    We need good folks like you Chip so work diligently at getting mobile again .
  20. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    I also take milk thistle, that helps clense your liver of all the crap from pills and such.
    p.s. CBD cream works well with the muscle/joint pain......helps.
    vwnate1 likes this.

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