Scammer - BEWARE

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by cmkruse, Dec 12, 2021.

  1. cmkruse

    cmkruse Member

    Feb 19, 2006
    I was looking for a spare tire carrier and member David 433 sent me a conversation with the number to a so called Bryan Park 346-306-3748. I call the guy (sounds oriental) and he said he had one and asked me to text to that number you gave me (David433), and we discussed and agreed on price. He wanted me to send money to his sons address so I did, and it's been over two weeks and no parts. so, I thought I'd try and track him down and guess what a reverse lookup on the phone number shows no such area code and no information available. So, I think I've been scammed. I keep asking for a tracking number and I get no response. I imagine that soon he will probably block my calls. I'll try and see if Paypal can get my money back but probably not much hope. I also noticed that David433 is a new (Nov2021) member and he may be in on this directing people to this number for parts.
  2. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    In order to beome a "registered" active member -
    An email address is asked for , which in turn makes me
    wonder if the ISP Address is filed in the forums "database" ?

    Member, Male, 34

    david433 was last seen:

    Nov 21, 2021

    Without going more into detail -I lost a fortune after my
    daughters email account was hacked and someone was pretending
    to be her and knew all sorts of little " unknowns" ? Hurts ! when
    I think about what I did after asking a few questions and then "believing"
    is was my daughter.. If you haven't done so already you might think about
    contacting the Forum's Administrator (s?) Topic caught my attention
    and really upsets me---
    Darn Evil people are alive and well...
    Well < for the time being..
    vwnate1 likes this.
  3. Chip

    Chip Member

    Jul 15, 2021
    Paypal should jump in, being that IT is the supposedly the secure way to send payment. Did you send it to them as a 'business' exchange or a 'friend or family'?
    That might make a difference, being I've heard that they will help on the business payment, being they make their percentage cut on the transaction, but probably won't on the private 'send funds to friends or family'. So PayPal may or may not help.
    Best of luck.

    P.s. Only send Paypal funds as a business transaction, even if the other party prefers the 'friend or family' payment to save fees. That is their issue, not yours. Stick to your guns.
    That has saved me a headache or 2.
    vwnate1 likes this.
  4. Robs52trk

    Robs52trk Member

    Nov 19, 2021
    Hopefully you get your money back
    vwnate1 likes this.
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Oh, crap ~

    There's always one or two who sneak in and do this .

    Makes it tough for everyone else but of course, they don't care .
  6. cmkruse

    cmkruse Member

    Feb 19, 2006
    Thanks everyone. If the moderator hasn't seen it, I will ask him to check this member out. Yea he asks for the friends and family option and that should have warned me but I trust the forum guys so I didn't think twice which I will do from now on. THANKS AGAIN
    Chip and vwnate1 like this.
  7. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    I have a nephew with an international trucking company ( U.S., Canada, and Mexico). When I see something I want I tell the seller that my nephew can have the dispatcher route a truck to or near the sellers address and pay cash upon inspection. I have NEVER had an iffy seller respond!
    RidesWithYah and vwnate1 like this.

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