I'm looking for the 4 plates and hardware on the right hand side of this pic. I do believe the ones shown are for a 3600 model truck but I believe you all know what I'm looking for either way. I've looked multiple places with no luck. Any help is greatly appreciated. I stole this pic from another post so don't mind the red line.
Give me a week or two and I think I have what you need. I'm having surgery tomorrow and a couple days to recoup and then I can look thru my Huck brake parts. Send me a reminder next week and I'll get back to you.
The 4 plates have been found and bought. I'm in need of the parts that are circled in red now. I think its called an parking brake lever extension with spring. Its needed for the drivers side. Should be a mirror image of the one shown. Hope surgery goes well and wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you!
Surgery is over and recoup in progress. Should be three or four days if all goes as planned. Glad you found the plates. I'll let you know as soon as I can.
KYGEARHEAD, Sorry for the delayed response. Unfortunately, I don't have the parts you need. I have the plates that you already have and other miscellaneous pieces but that's about it. Sorry I wasn't able to help out. You might try Sam Simone via Messenger on Facebook. He has helped me out on some items and might have what you need.
I tried to look up those parts on otto's truck supplies but couldn't find them. Check it out maybe i missed something.