Thanks for letting men on this site. I am working on a 1950 3100 for my wife. Putting 350 SBC and a 700R4 tranny. Repainting. I am going to post some pictures.
WELCOME TOM ! . Please post a few pictures, we're mostly hands - on here and many have gone down your path so don't hesitate to ask the most basic questions 'cause we don't do shaming here, we WANT TO HELP ! . You're a lucky man in that your Spouse wants to drive a classic . My Sweet has zero interest in oldies but supports my love of them .
Welcome Tom, We were all newbies here once, and as Nate said, we are here to help. Check out Nick's (he's a moderator) recent Stickied thread on how to post pictures. There are MANY here with MUCH knowledge and experience who are more than happy to assist you in your quest. A great bunch of non-judgmental folks who just want to see YOUR AD truck on the road. Mike