advice on a automatic choke

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by PTB049, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. PTB049

    PTB049 Guest

    i have a 84' half ton chevy 4 wheel drive. in the summer time my truck gives me no problem to crank.All you have to do is pump it 5 or 6 times and it will fire right up, but in the winter time it gives me heck cranking it. It is so hard to fire it up. If any one has a answer to my problem in any way please reply. will harper
  2. tech1

    tech1 Member

    Dec 30, 2002
    5 or 6 times seems a little exessive. when is the last time you had your carb rebuilt? when is the last time you changed the fuel pump. i would start there and that will probably help a WHOLE LOT.:7
  3. Old77

    Old77 Member

    Dec 22, 2004
    Lee's Summit
    I would agree with Tech1 on this one. On my 77, all I have to do is pump once and it fires right up the first time without any problem and this is how it is supposed to work. 5 or 6 times is a little much and is probably time for a carb rebuild and/or fuel pump like was stated earlier. If it takes that much to get it started when it's warm it doesn't surprise me that it has a hard time starting when it's cold.
  4. scholman

    scholman Member

    Jan 15, 2004
    I would check the choke linkage and choke settings. It sounds like the choke is not "setting" itself and that is why you have to pump the throttle so many times to get her to fire-up. One maybe two pumps on the gas peddle should set the choke and you should have engine start-up in one or two cranks of the starter.
    The next step would be a tune-up. Replace the fuel filter. I do not think it is a fuel pump because he does not mention "misfiring" under a heavy load or at high road speeds.

    Have Fun
  5. MY 78 has a auto choke i only have to pump gas once, it sounds like your thermostat on your choke is bad.Might be time for a new carb.Im going to put a new carb on my truck it starts good in the morning but if i let it sit for 15 mins. its hard to crank back (seals leaking)its flooding itself.
  6. 84inArk

    84inArk Guest

    I had the same problem in my 84. Summer was easy, at times i would just hold idle at 1,000 rpm till it smoothed out. In winter it was just like you said "pupming 5 to 6 times". I had a Q-jet carb. at the time. Everybody wants to say that Q-jets were horrible carbs. I will dissagree. I NEVER had a problem till my "choke" went out. Thats when the "5 to 6 times" pumping came in. I would say check 12v at your choke. If you do, time for a rebuild. If no 12v and you do not have the time nor experience an easy cheat way is to run 12v ign. power to the choke. I had to do this due to my 12v is severed somewhere in the wiring.

    Good luck
  7. Found out the tube that runs under your intake will get stpped up over time and it wont let the fuel evaporate fast enough.I put a new edelbrock w/ electric choke [what a difference].

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