factory rear, 10 bolt. could the problem be corrected by putting in kit for all 4 side gears and shims??? ujoints are relatively new and greased. should i use the 85w 140 rear oil and suggested by kit manufacturer.?? haven't torn apart yet. what also, should i look for, inside rear to determine the clunk. rear is very driveable other than cluck. will also replace axle brgs after tear down. novatoasv 78truck,89truck,62comet
RE: 78 2x4 put in drive rear end go Before you go tearing apart your rearend, I suggest you take a look at the driveshaft bearing. If you go under your truck and shake the first piece of the driveshaft and it has a lot of play in it, you need to replace it.
RE: 78 2x4 put in drive rear end go hello, the ujoints are both ok. trans was rebuilt a few years ago and the trans tailstock bushing was ok. drive shaft is one piece, not 2. the free play is in twisting the the driveshaft, at the rear end. also freeplay is in the wheels. jacked up on stands, wheel will turn a little. then the drive shaft turns. ring and pinion slop or the side gears, refering to my first post. will this kit, help??? thanks in advance novatoasv 78truck,89truck,62comet