well ive done this b4 the motor has got to come out..leave the tranny in and pull the motor get it on a stand and fix it..thats ur only opition....i did this only to find out it wasnt the rear main but just the oil sending unit.x( god that made me mad. what a waist of time....have fun bud
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-05 AT 10:15 PM (CST)]Uggh I didn't mean to bring that back up...Well it sounds like mine will just have to leak. I'm not to sure mine is leaking anyway ... where is the oil sending unit ? while we are on the suject ..what are the tricks for the oil pan gasket ???
The oil sending unit is a small cylinder that should be located up on the intake manifold near the back behind the carb. As far as your rear main seal, '85 was the last year for the 2 piece seal. Once you get the oil pan off, all your need to do is to knock the upper piece out with a driftpin until you can grab one side of it.