[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-05 AT 10:42 AM (CST)]I am looking for rear leaf spring brakkets the (front ones of the rear) for a 87 4wd chevy 1500. Mine are rotted out and i need them for my truck to pass inspection. If anyone has a pair or even one that they dont need i will buy them off you.
were do u live taht they have inspections.... that has to suck.... my best bet would problay be the yard also... ________ Infants Paxil
If you have to get it from a yard, I'd try and get it from one that will take the part off for you. I just moved the rear shackle hanger on my truck and it took a grinder, a 1/2" drill with several different sized bits, and an air hammer to knock out those rivets.