I neet to get some brake hoses for my '58 i'm working on. 2 front and one rear....but the parts numbers in my catalog and those on th eweb site are different and i'm not sure which is right. in the catalog the front, 1/2 ton longbed hose is listed as part:71-308 but on the website that part # is for rear 1/2 ton longbed. Likewise the rear 1/2 ton hose i want in the catalog, part #: 71-307 says this in the web site...(1951-59) Brake Hose -Front & Rear 1/2 Ton I'm confused as to which one to get....any help? thanks. -Mike L. -haybales are North Dakota's state animal????
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-03 AT 11:17 PM (CST)]It was an error on our part. The website now matches what the catalog shows. 71-307 Fits both the front and rear of the 1/2 ton shortbed trucks.