6v vs 12v Generator

Discussion in 'General Chevy & GMC Pickups Talk' started by REbright, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. REbright

    REbright Guest

    Hello, I currently have a 49 Chevy PU with a 6 volt system. I have over the years collected several generators that are both 6 volt and 12 volt. I need to replace my current generator that is 6 volt with another 6 volt one. Is there an easy way to tel the difference between 6 and 12volts so that I put the correct one back on?


    49 Chevy 3100 216
  2. bennyhunch

    bennyhunch Member

    Jan 24, 2003
    S.F. Bay Area USA
    There should be a part number on the generator, ask the auto parts guy to check his catalog it will show 6v or 12v. You can also have it tested to be sure it is working correctly.:D

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