I have a left rear fender and spare tire carrier for 47-53 chevy. if anyone is interested,shoot me an email to nika@adelphia.net Thanks,John
Three questions, 1. Will this allow room for the 16" tire, 2. Do you have a photo, 3. How much, and where are you. Thank you PK
Hey PK I'm in ohio. A 16' tire should fit ok. I'll get a pic this weekend and post it here. Thanks for your question,John
Sorry I didn't get the pic posted.I can't find the dang tire hanger anyway,I must have traded it for something? Anyway,if you can locate the fender closer than Ohio it would be a lot easier for you. John
I am a new member to this forum but read your post and...IF you are looking for used parts, and need them for a "63 long bed" I've got some...Dirt cheap, I'm restoring my 63 and decided to completly replace the bed. let me know, stay cool. rick from kansas:
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-04 AT 09:33 PM (CST)]Not to steal your thread or anything, but if you cant find your tire hanger, I have one and a fender off a 53.Im in Missouri.Shoot me an email if interested