i have a problem with my 82 k5: my truck starts up, sometimes harder than others, and it idles fine. i let off the automatic choke and let it warm up some more. when i drive it and come to a stop, everything is fine when the truck isn't totally warmed up. it idles fine. but after driving it for a while and when it is at running temp and come to a stop it idles realllly slow. the amp gauge drops and waves back and forth sometimes. and sometimes when it really gets bad, the oil pressure gauge drops too. but then when you accelerate, everything is fine....smooth and everything i figured i can just adjust the idles speed screw in the q-jet, but i read that gm used a sealed screw in those years. i don't know how long its been since a carb rebuild, i've only had the truck for a little less than two years. any help would be greatly appreciated thanks karbo
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-03 AT 09:13 PM (CST)]Charles F Rising JR first off I would recomend that you change to a holley as they are a lot easyier to adjust and you can get one that will bolt on with little to no problems.(Like the street avenger series). Aside from mabey an adapter plate and a couple of fittings. all should work fine. I hope this helps, P.S. you can drill out the idle and air/fuel mixture screws and adjust your carb fairly easy. (use a cordless drill and go slow and you wont damage the screws).as a rule of thumb 11/4 turns out should be a good staring point turning both screws in unison. Make sure that there are no vacum leaks first.