leaking gas tank

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Timmer, Jul 23, 2005.

  1. Timmer

    Timmer Member

    May 1, 2005
    Clearview US
    Hello when I fill the tank all the way there is a gas smell in the cab. After investigating there is a obvious leak which ends
    up at bottom of tank on the passenger side, on the left hand corner, and eventually drips out on the running board. The rubber hoses are definately old and cracked and I have bought replacements and will install but these are not leaking. There seems to be some moistness rite at the connection of the tank and the filler neck but not that much. Is there a new gasket to install at this spot? Any other places to check where a leak could occur. I would like to have all possible parts when I go to repair cuz it looks like seat needs to come out to get to the tank and this is my daily driver. When tank is half full smell and leak aren't there.

    Thanx You Guys
  2. 51GMC

    51GMC Member

    Nov 13, 2002
    Vero Beach USA
    I used CD's gas tank liner, on my tank. I had rust in my tank but this stuff is so thick I think it would seal any small leaks.

    You have to remove the tank from the truck and flush it out really well. Then pour in the sealer and roll it around a lot, to make sure the entire surface is coated then pour it back into the can. I'd prop it up so the excess sealer runs to the area of the leak. Once you open the can it sets up quick so use what you need in a few hours. The next day it, whats left in the can, will be setup hard.

    There are also professonal places that will fix gas tank leaks.

    good luck
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Tim ;

    It sound like maybe the new filler hose isn't sealing well ? . if so , maybe you didn't wire brush the neck sufficiently as it must be squeaky clean else it'll seep a tiny bit .

    Also , use only American made filler neck hose , your FLAPS or Boat Shop will have it in stock . even without clamps it should fit snugly . you'll need good narrow clamps to properly clamp it in place .

    Failing that have the tank cleaned out and re-lined , _YOU_ can do at least as good a job @ home and far better if you taske your time & work at it .

    Avoid buying a new repop tank at all costs as nearly all of them leak and will need to be lined too and they're thinner gauge metal than the original tank , not a good thing at all .

  4. Timmer

    Timmer Member

    May 1, 2005
    Clearview US
    Thanx You Guys., That repop tank from cd was sounding like a easy way ouy so thanx for the advice nate. What about that connection at the gas tank and filler neck, is there a gasket there or will the tank liner take care of that. Tim
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: leaking Filler Neck

    There isn't any gasket between the hose nipple and the hose , just a good snug fittment and clamps , you could use a skim coat of fuel proof RTV sealant but then the hose will be glued on and need to be cut off in case of service , since you never need to service this I guess it'd be cool , drain the tank and allow the RTV to dry for two or three days before re-installation so it'll cure else it'll be a gooey mess that still leaks , BTDT trust me on this one .

    If the crimp where the nipple is mounted to the tank is the leak then yes , a good lining kit shouild fix it but remember : you must needs take your time and do it correctly ,no short cuts nor rushing things ~ that's why some folks don't like the liners and say they fall out , the prep work is all important .

    I hope this helped...?

  6. Timmer

    Timmer Member

    May 1, 2005
    Clearview US
    RE: leaking Filler Neck

    It's leaking rite where the filler neck meets the actual gas tank. The neck is held on there by two bolts. seems like a perfect place for a gasket or chaulking. But it sounds like this liner/sealer sould do the trick. Ya think? Tim
  7. 51GMC

    51GMC Member

    Nov 13, 2002
    Vero Beach USA
    RE: leaking Filler Neck

    What year truck do you have? On my 51 the neck is part of the tank it doesn't bolt on. I think you can get gas tank epoxy putty that would probably hold at the joint of the neck to the tank. If you have to remove the tank to work on it I'd seal it while you have it out. And put new hoses back on.
  8. Timmer

    Timmer Member

    May 1, 2005
    Clearview US
    RE: leaking Filler Neck

    Yeah Jerry, It's definatley bolted on. And it is a '51. Maybe it was swapped out at some time. Sounds like that thing's coming out and gettin' a workin' over. Wife's tired of that gas smell in the garage, and so unsafe too! thanx Tim
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: leaking Filler Neck

    Yup ;

    You need a gasket or get some of the two piece epoxy stuff that's fuel
    proof and use that , allow to dry fully before adding fue again .

    Or you could make your own gasket and seal it with a super thin bead of Hylomar .

  10. bennyhunch

    bennyhunch Member

    Jan 24, 2003
    S.F. Bay Area USA
    RE: leaking Filler Neck

    I think its bolted and soldered in place. That means no gasket, so it needs to come out. A good time to have it cleaned and repaired. May-be coated or sealed as well

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