1965 C-10 brakes

Discussion in '1960-1966' started by carnut, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. carnut

    carnut Member

    Aug 16, 2006
    I have a 1965 c-10 can anyone tell me how to convert to disc brakes and keep 6-lug, without buying the expensive conversion kit. I have a 75-77 c-10donor, can it be changed to a 6-lug?
  2. drabo

    drabo Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Patrick AFB, Florida
    Order 6 lug rotors from CPP.
  3. dvalentine

    dvalentine Charter Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I think if you start to price out what you will need in used parts, spindles, rotors, calipers, master cylinder, brake lines, tie rod ends, etc etc. You will come to the conclusion, as I did, that you will at best save a few hunderd bucks over buying a quality kit. You will still run the risk of needing to rebuild those parts in order to get them to work.

    Don't cut corners with safety stuff like steering and brakes. The rotors from CCP will only work on later model spindles so it isn't just bolting on rotors.

    Look at quality kits from places like CCP, Early Classic, and budget and save for the kit. What you spend will pay for itself in time saved over trying to get later model used parts to work safely. The kit I installed from Early Classic went in in less than 8 hours in my garage using modest hand tools and the difference in braking afterward was unbelivable.

    BUT ! If you want to, you can swap the entire front crossmember and all the front suspension from the 75 into the 65. ( it's easier that swapping all the 75 stuff onto the 65 crossmember). Take the idler arm from the 75 as well, or better yet, now would be a good time to replace it with a new one. Then a call to Early Classic to see if their six lug rotors will work on your 75 spindles will get you the rest of the way. FYI Early Classic was the first to develop and market the six lug rotor for their 60-72 conversion kits, and that rotor will work on the 75 spindles.
  4. aimless

    aimless Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    I am currently in the middle of a disc brake conversion. The truck is in the shed on jacks as I write. I ordered my kit through Classic Parts (It was about $100 cheaper) but the kit is drop-shipped from CCP. Took a month to get. :mad: It's really nice because its made to fit your stock spindles.

    BUT! I will say this! I am currently in a situation where I am finding that instillation is not as simple as bolting everything on. The rotors went on great. The caliper brakets . . . not so good. The top hole in the right was 1/8" too low, and I had to do some filing to make the bolt fit. The booster braket does not have the holes in the right places. I'm going to have to mod the braket or the firewall.

    But its a great learning experience, and it is definately not beyond the ability of a clutzy guy like me!
  5. tech1

    tech1 Member

    Dec 30, 2002
    6 lug disc conversion

    You can call cpp and order the 6 lug rotors, as suggested, and use the calipers off your donor truck with a disc brake conversion kit we sell here at classic parts. Everything should bolt right up, so you can keep your stock 6 lug patterns, but don't for get you will need a proportioning valve to decrease the pressure to your calipers. You can use an in line proportioning valve thats adjustable, the calipers need to have 2 lbs of pressure to the front an 8 lbs to the rear for the drum brakes.

    Good luck with your project!
  6. drabo

    drabo Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Patrick AFB, Florida
    I just checked. CPP's brake system is designed to fit 71-87 Chevy 1/2 tons. So you can use parts off your donor truck and parts from the parts store. I think you are still stuck buying rotors from CPP.
  7. aimless

    aimless Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    No kidding! None of my stuff just bolted up. I had to do a few minor mods, but there were enough to make me scratch my head a few times. Like putting new holes in the firewall and grinding nubs off the spindles. The rotors went on great . . . the rest needed some mods.

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