great site, very knowledgable folks here. have a 65 gmc half ton with a 194ci/automatic set up that i'm playing with. both motor and tranny are on their way out and will need to replace them soon. i have everything from an early mustang, engine (305?) thru rear end, and was wondering if it's possible (and beneficial) to throw the ford stuff in. the ford was in good running condition, and i have it- so the price is right, at least initially. i know that new motor mounts, cross member, and rear end mounts will have to be fabricated. am wondering if the work will balance out against the cost of a 350/700r4. this is pretty much a grocery getter, with a bit of time running the freeways and/or light hauling. thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
I Drafted In A 62 Chevy C10 Shortwide On Too A 70's Camaro And It Was Worth It, Lot More Time Involved Then Swapping Motors And Trans. Money Wise It Depends On If Your Going To Build Or Have Someone Build The Motor And Trans For You. Time And Money Wise It Would Be Better To Just Swap Motors And Transmission, Or Rebuild What You Have. Theres Whole Lot Of Fabrication That Will Have To Be Done To Make The Mustang Parts Work On The Gmc Pickup Frame. Motor Mounts, Tranny Crossmember, New Shoes On The Rearend Kustomized Length On The Driveline And So On And So On. For A Grocery Getter, I Would Just Rebuild What I Have But If You Want Speed And Better Handling (and A Real One Off Kustom) Id Go With The Mustang Swap.
"Theres Whole Lot Of Fabrication That Will Have To Be Done To Make The Mustang Parts Work On The Gmc Pickup Frame." Amen to that !! Sell off the Mustang stuff and use the money for a Chevy V8 motor and trans purchase. Val
You can make a Ford better with a Chevy motor but you can't make a Chevy better with a Ford motor. Sell the motor and tranny and use the money to get a SBC and a 700R4.
Since your truck was offered with a V8 and auto all the necessary chevy eng/trans parts are available cheap and plentiful and would be a bolt in. If your time is worth anything that would be the route to go. Now as to the 302 ford--- one of the BEST engines ever built. I've never owned one but would put them on the same plane as a 283/327. We have customers with mustangs that flog them mercilously and they just keep tickin. Brand makes absolutely no difference to me, I choose the engine that will look like it came in the vehicle; anything front sump--ford, rear sump--chevy, center sump-- chrysler. I refuse to alter pans or oil pickups just to force a certain brand engine in to a place it doesn't fit. Go with the chevy and the pan will clear everything.
thanks all for the suggestions ford stuff out, going to stay with gm gear. been away from this kind of thing for a long while and am surprised at the price of decent eng/trans. seems almost cheaper to buy a beater camaro, etc. for a doner and if lucky use it's rear end, steering, etc. do hate the thought of not ony pulling the gear, but then trying to get rid of the 'carcus' afterward. scrap's hardly worth the haul. going to try and figure the easiest install, hopefully with a 700r4 and a small block. thanks again for the help.
"...seems almost cheaper to buy a beater camaro, etc. for a doner and if lucky use it's rear end, steering, etc. " That is sound logic, sometimes. First don't try and put CAR stuff in TRUCKS. Things like brakes, rear end, and suspension parts should really come from a TRUCK if you are looking for a daily driver. Crate motors are now pretty competitive over rebuilding motors . Base 350 GM crate motors start at around $1,200. Transmissions are a bit pricy. You can get one used, but it will most likely need a rebuild, at around $700. Places in your area that sell rebuilt transmissions AND will give you some type of warrenty are your best bet. Don't skimp on the safety components like brakes and steering. Your butt is at stake... !!! Val