Ok, I have searched and I know alternator issues have been discussed on numerous occasions but none of the threads really solved my questions. I ordered the ZZ4 turn key package for my 63, as well as the conversion harness for an internally regulated alternator. However, the alternator the serpentine package comes with does not have a two-prong connection. Instead it has a 4-prong connection. I found a little info on what to do with that here: http://paceperformance.com/index.asp?PageAction=Custom&ID=650 However, I'm not really an electrician and I don't know exactly what to do with all this. I have the 63 shop manual and so I have the wiring diagrams, but I'm not sure what needs to be done. The alternator did come with a plug that fits it, complete with 4 wires coming off of the prong. From what I understand by reading the info on the above website, the lead labeled "L" goes to the gen light, and when problems arise with the alternator the light will come on. The other lead, labeled "S" is the voltage sensing wire, and should be plugged either into the back of the alternator where it puts out power, or ideally(from other things I have read) to the bridge/major splice on our trucks. Connecting it to the bridge would make up for voltage drop between the alternator and bridge if I'm correct. That being said, I'm not entirely sure what the two wires on the original harness and conversion harness connect to. If its as simple as cutting the harness and crimping the S and L leads to those wires, I should be golden, otherwise I'm not quite sure where to start. If anyone has any experience with this type of alternator, and hooking it up to a 63 with the conversion harness, please chime in, haha. In the meantime I'm going to examine my shop manual for more clues. Another possible route I'm looking into is trying to get my friend(who works at a GM dealer) to swap out the alternator I got with the kit for a simpler one with just the two-prong connector. It would save me a hell of a lot of time, haha. Thanks again guys!! Beau
" Another possible route I'm looking into is trying to get my friend(who works at a GM dealer) to swap out the alternator I got with the kit for a simpler one with just the two-prong connector. It would save me a hell of a lot of time, haha." That would be the path of least resistance. ( electrician humor ) Val
Well, assuming I go that route, what would be a good alternator to pick up? What alternator comes with the 2-prong connection that the conversion harness is built for? You mentioned in another thread of mine that you had done the swap, what alternator did you go with? Also, did some research and it seems like I may be able to use the alternator I got anyway. I just need to know (on the conversion unit) which of the white&blue wires performs what function. Then I should just be able to splice wire to wire and get it working. Maybe I'll make a call tomorrow and try to find out what does what.
I've used a number of different ones. All were the GM 10si case style. I'll stay away from giving any advice about wiring for your individule truck. There are too many variables and I would hate to advise you to do something that causes damage, or worse! Making the call(s) to get all the information you need to understand what you need to do to get the serpentine alt to work on your application is a very good idea. Try calling those folks at Pace Performance. I've had good experiences dealing with them. Val