Discussion in '1947-1954' started by bennyhunch, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. bennyhunch

    bennyhunch Member

    Jan 24, 2003
    S.F. Bay Area USA
    It’s a 1954 3100 with 235 and 3 speed. The trans oil ran low and the rear end was over full but not as much as the trans was low. I am in the process of replacing the torque tube bushing. Since I took that apart I decided to replace the clutch and pressure plate. The bell housing was covered with oil on the inside. The flywheel to clutch plate surface had oil on it, the pressure plate to clutch was fine. I have an oil leak that I figure is from the rear main seal. I am wondering what keeps the transmission oil from leaking out the front of the transmission along the clutch gear shaft?
    Steve :7
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Good morning Steve ;

    good enginerring keeps the tranny oil from dribbling out the front bearing and fouling the clutch .

    Your rear main is prolly a rope seal and needs replacing , get the
    " Chinese Finger Trap " tool and read up on it _before_ you drop the oil pan and rear main bearing cap as it's a tedious if simple job .

    The Oaki Bushing can also allow tranny oil to run down the Torque Tube and overfill the rear end , used to see a LOT of trucks like that .

    Be aware that if the lower flywheel cover plate is missing , much of the blowby wetness from the Road Draft Tube will get caught on the flywheel's ring gear and drawn up and tossed all over the clutch assy.

    even if the rear main isn't leaking badly .

  3. bennyhunch

    bennyhunch Member

    Jan 24, 2003
    S.F. Bay Area USA
    Thanks alot Nate!
    That is my plan. When I got the truck there was not a cover and it took some a few salvage yards to find one.
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Flywheel Cover

    Yeah , me too as my poor old truck was mucho unloved and had some terrible mechanicing done to it over the years , I got lucky and found a nice cover in the Mojave desert , bead blasted it re-painted and slapped that sucker on , my clutch chatter problems dissapeared within 100 miles .

    My buddy , who's '54 sedan has been through more than a Tijuana Taxi ,
    has a '61 / '62 passenger car bell housing and of course , it's different than our old trucks are so I cannot find the correct flywheel cover anywhere since all the old car guys on the West Coast rip out the perfectly good 235 and junk it in favor of yet another (YAWN) 235/350 combo .


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